Assetto Corsa Support League (non F1 Weekends)


The Assetto Corsa Off Week Championship

Championship Standings are here.

Schedule is here.

Rules are here, to the extent applicable, and based on the below from this website.

Participant Sign up and List is here.

Race Settings
Factory Traction Control: None
Factory ABS: None
Stability Control: Off
Tire Wear & Fuel Consumption: 200%
Manual Gears Only
(clutch assist and blip on)
Driving Line: Off
Penlites: On
Corner Cutting: On (5 sec. penalty)
Pit Exit / Entry Penalties: On
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Are you going to believe me or your circumstantial evidence? What I told you was the truth. I was disconnected in the middle of the lap, and I invited you back while you were still on line. I also invited you to chat, but you chose to ignore it.

If you can't believe Assetto can crash, go to Microsoft and I'm sure you will be rewarded.
Who said anything about not believing you! Just telling you that it showed different from my end. I didn't get an invite to chat and once we disconnected I went off the console as that was as much time as I had available to race. I got on intending to try out pCars 2 some more but took the opportunity to have a session with you which was fun while it lasted. Hopefully there will be no issues tomorrow.
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Thanks for waiting guys. Really enjoyed that, I could race that track all the time as it is always a challenge no matter how well you know it. Never managed to hit my practice times but a solid race. Good job on the win Neil, well deserved. I thought i had you by staying out the extra lap so needing less fuel at my stop but a messy pit entrance cost me time and a damaged car which I decided to not repair. Pushing hard in that second stint I thought I might get you after your spin but had an off of my own when pushing through the twisty section and the reduced aero caught me out. But good fun all the same.

Well done Pete on sticking it out and earning a podium :thumbsup:

Recording will be up tomorrow and the next car and track will be posted here during the week.
Great car,great track, great race.
thanks peter.
Wow what a great evening thought I was out at one point. But just got body damage which I got repaired on pit stop on first stint then spun on second stint but with no damage just time lost . Can believe only 3 finished very demanding track, sorry we didn’t have more finishers but great evening. well done to other pete.
Cheers guys.
Any one up for a return here ;) Love this track.

Didn't manage to get a quali lap with things going on at home meaning I didn't get out on track until about 20 minutes were left and then had to abandon my fast lap so my outlap of 7:39 ended up being my quali lap although still good enough for second on the grid lol

First race looked like being a good one with Neil in front and Pete just behind me in third but it all got a bit confusing when suddenly Neil was gone and then I was back in the garage following us all getting discoed :/

Second race with a random grid ended up being pretty close to the original grid although Pete lost out a place I believe. But it followed the first race pretty closely with Neil up the front, me following and this time Eric and Pete behind with Will bringing up the rear. The gap to Neil was around the 3 second mark after the first lap with Eric and then Pete about 25 seconds behind. Neil's pace was good and the gap opened up a bit at certain parts of the track and then closed down at others so it was fairly close and one mistake was going to be costly. With the car only taking 80 litres at the start there was only enough for 4 laps but Neil pitted one lap early at the end of lap 3 and I sensed my chance. My 4th lap was decent and with less fuel needed at the stop I thought I was in with a good chance of the undercut but I didn't take the tricky pit entrance into account did I :O_o:. Touched the wall on entry taking slight damage and then misjudged the right-hand part and got further damage doh! lol. I decided to not repair the damage and spend more time in the pits but Neil still came past to retake the lead. The gap started opening a bit now as I struggled with the reduced aero as a result of the damage but was starting to settle again and then he had a moment at the left-hander before second carousel and the gap closed so it looked like a good battle was on to the flag. Unfortunately on the following lap going through the twisty section after the first carousel (I think lol) I overcooked it with the reduced aero not giving me the grip through the corner and tagged the outside wall causing a bit more damage and half spun into the middle of the track losing me probably 10 seconds (ish). Got going again but the race was effectively over at that point and it was just a case of bringing the car home although Neil almost lost it on the last lap apparently but had enough of a lead to safely come home for the win.

The track is the challenge all of it's own and racing anyone becomes secondary. Such a thrill when you get a good solid lap in and I can't think of any track where the sense of achievement is as good.

My race:-
I'm doing some testing of a car and track(s) for the next round which will be announced before the end of the week.
Tried the Porsche 718 Spyder RS at Spa liked you asked, and it was quite fun. That car is not a grip car by any means, but more of a momentum car. Once you get going at Spa it was a fun ride around trying to keep the DIFF under control with the throttle. I especially like it because it's open top and great views all the way around. Might be fun at Highlands too.
Tried the Porsche 718 Spyder RS at Spa liked you asked, and it was quite fun. That car is not a grip car by any means, but more of a momentum car. Once you get going at Spa it was a fun ride around trying to keep the DIFF under control with the throttle. I especially like it because it's open top and great views all the way around. Might be fun at Highlands too.
After junking my xbox, I can confirm that Assetto is the only game that comes close to reality. As much foot dragging that Kunos did, they really hit the physics out of the park...and they didn't try to pack the game with nonsense before they nailed the handling. Even iRacing is no better.
The next race in this series will be of the classic variety as you should have known being as its its my choice.

The gorgeous Porsche 718 RS Spyder with its hard vintage tyres which we will be taking for a spin in Bonny Scotland. The car requires a lot of balancing on throttle and brake and some great drifting technique to maximise lap time. It's a fun drive but you will need to do some pre race practice to get the best from it and learn it's very specific nuances.

There are four variants of the Highlands circuit:-

Highlands Short
Highlands Drift
Highlands Long

The last two are probably too long with a couple if huge straights and not challenging enough and with only half a dozen cars would make for not the best racing. So its either the Short course which is about 1:04 per lap and could keep us all close together although will be very tight or the Drift track which incorporates part of the short circuit but also goes out into country to give some fast wide open winding section as well. Final decision will come in the next day or so.
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