Assetto Corsa Thrustmaster T300 Settings


Hi everyone, here we are with my personal settings for the Thrustmaster T300 for the PC version of Assetto Corsa. If you want more infos about the FFB, I suggest you to read this post of Luca Sodano from @kunos and this article on Reddit. Have a look at the settings below or download the files for an easy setup.


Thrustmaster Control Panel
Cattura1.JPG cp.png

  • Degree of Rotation: 900°
  • Overall FFB: 100%
  • Constant: 100%
  • Periodic: 100%
  • Spring: 100%
  • Damper: 0%
  • Auto-Center: by the game

In-game Settings
  • Degree of Rotation: 900°
  • Gain: 75%
  • Filter: 0%
  • Minimum Force: 2%
  • Kerb Effects: 0%
  • Road Effects: 0%
  • Slip Effects: 0%
  • ABS effects: 0%
  • Gamma: 1.00
  • Filter: 0.00
  • Speed Sensitivity: 0.00
  • Brake Gamma: 2.40
Enabled Gyro
Open assettocorsa\system\cfg\assetto_corsa.ini using Notepad:

Post Processing

Open Documents\Assetto Corsa\cfg\ff_post_process.ini using Notepad:



I hope this helps someone else with the T300 to get a more immersive FFB feel.
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New to the T300RS and fairly new to AC. Thx for this thread. Wheel feels great, in general with these settings. Two questions:

1. Why set DOR=900 when the native DOR of the wheel is 1080? My understanding from general threads I have read on wheels is that you match the native capability in your settings and the games like AC will softlock to the actual sim cars DOR.

2. I have a wobble with the wheel at center while driving in a straight line if I take my hands off the wheel. It feels like a "machine gun" effect if I am holding the wheel...but it only happens at dead center. Any/best way to address this?

1. Why set DOR=900 when the native DOR of the wheel is 1080?

2. I have a wobble with the wheel at center while driving in a straight line

1. 900 is the default DOR into the Thrustmaster control panel, you can put up to 1080, no differences in actual driving, but be careful when you perform a full lock (at 1080° you're pushing directly on the physical limit of the wheel, at 900° it's just a virtual lock).
2. Did you enabled the gyro trick? It should fix the oscillations in the center
Thx. Yes, I enabled the Gyro settings. I may try Michaels settings to minimize the wobble. On a related note...should SOFT LOCK be enabled in assetto_corsa.ini for the virtual wheel lock to work? My is set to 0.0.
Thx. Yes, I enabled the Gyro settings. I may try Michaels settings to minimize the wobble. On a related note...should SOFT LOCK be enabled in assetto_corsa.ini for the virtual wheel lock to work? My is set to 0.0.
As Michael says you should not enable the soft lock.
The gyro trick is the only .ini file you could change.
Maybe a Steam integrity check could fix you issues...
Micheal my ff_post_process file looks like this




different from what you say in your settings, but i never used LUT, is my file ok?

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