Hey community,
I am working on a project and have hit one last hurdle then on completion I hope to share with the gaming community, as I have spent hundreds of hours searching for answers have found a few videos of this setup working but no how to's.
I have an E90 Cluster along with 2 Arduino Uno's and 2 Seeed Studio CAN BUS Shields.
I have managed to get them "working" via telemetry. However as you will see in my video, that the one problem is the cluster seems to drop out/reboot every few seconds.
The resistance in the can bus is correct, I have tried a second cluster but still no joy.
If anyone knows anything that could be causing this that I may have missed your help will be greatly appreciated as I have hit a wall of where to go next.
I have jumped in at the deep end and this is my first Arduino/CAN project.
I am working on a project and have hit one last hurdle then on completion I hope to share with the gaming community, as I have spent hundreds of hours searching for answers have found a few videos of this setup working but no how to's.
I have an E90 Cluster along with 2 Arduino Uno's and 2 Seeed Studio CAN BUS Shields.
I have managed to get them "working" via telemetry. However as you will see in my video, that the one problem is the cluster seems to drop out/reboot every few seconds.
The resistance in the can bus is correct, I have tried a second cluster but still no joy.
If anyone knows anything that could be causing this that I may have missed your help will be greatly appreciated as I have hit a wall of where to go next.
I have jumped in at the deep end and this is my first Arduino/CAN project.