Attaching Sprint pedals to a playseat F1 rig

Anyone got the above as a set-up?

Upgrading from fanatic LC, I removed them to be presented with somewhat of a problem.

With, or without, the footplate the pre-set holes do not seem to provide any configuration that I can use to attach the pedals.

Anyone aware of any 3rd party solutions or am I missing something blindingly simple?

Thanks to anyone who can shed some light.

Our Sprint baseplate uses the same mounting holes as Thrustmaster pedals and Playseat rigs have predrilled holes for this as far as I know.

Thanks for the reply

the fanatecs fitted fine with all four slots being filled, but its much wider and longer.

The base plate, with holes at 0, 10.5 and 21cm do not.

I can only get two matching, at the top with nothing elsewhere. Which obviously does not provide a usable solution. I am unaware if all playseat products have the same pedal baseplate?

whoever the hell created that stupid configuration in terms of small tunnel for bolt fixture must have an evil sense of humour!!!!!
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