PC1 Audio Interview with Andy Tudor on pCARS (Babogames)

Hi Guys,

Babogames did an audio interview with Andy Tudor on pCARS....

Broom! Nice work Andy

lol 09.31 - I think he pulled?!
You don't know how much grip any particular should have, or not have. You play games on a PC, you're not a professional driver.

So you know?....please explain your reference points for judging a sim?
Please also find one single LIE I've said regarding pcars{I will retract all mistakes and issues apologies}, and also note how many times I've said that this game should be successful.

That said, some people at WMD/ytube/forums etc claim this is already a sim, already feels as good as GTR evo, and that is sheer nonsense, so if you or anyone else is going to LIE to my face, please at least allow me the opportunity to make a mockery of your LIES.
Some guy was making up quotes from Ian which he never said/wrote, even sticking quotation marks around them, and then arguing about how awful Ian is.

You are telling porkies here though and changing things to spin your way. I have read that entire thread on on NoGrip and no where does any member put " around any statement like you say. I also can't see where that member states how awful Ian is. So stop making up rubbish to get over your point Micas.:rolleyes:
So you know?....please explain your reference points for judging a sim?
Please also find one single LIE I've said regarding pcars{I will retract all mistakes and issues apologies}, and also note how many times I've said that this game should be successful.

That said, some people at WMD/ytube/forums etc claim this is already a sim, already feels as good as GTR evo, and that is sheer nonsense, so if you or anyone else is going to LIE to my face, please at least allow me the opportunity to make a mockery of your LIES.
you talk about lies.1 of the point why you get banned at vr. because your lies,and you get boring again.you always tell us the same like in every other forum.
What do you guys not understand about the following?

Mutual respect between the people using the RaceDepartment.com website(s) and forums. This means you may not personally attack other forum users. malicious behaviour and bullying will not be tolerated. If there is a problem report it to the staff.
if you don't feel blocking breaks than its feels like.but everyone can feel the blocking brakes,because you can block the breaks and you can feel it.so he don't told us the truth and he know that.and the same happen with tc.and beside,everybody knows his mission.
Come on guys, listen to Bram.

And Martin, Pcars handling to me feels exactly like Shift 2. I am not telling a lie. It's what I think. Stop calling people liars.
stop modifying your posts without notice, it makes you even less credible

get over your personal dilemma, stop ranting in personal means and talk about facts

it was SMS/WMD who decided to build/develop this thing in presence of a public audience

this means, we can talk about this unfinished product, and all that goes with it

this includes the free exchange of observations, perceptions and experience

finally, stop quibbling - link the source and do not make up your own quotes, sorry but they really are, useless quotes
sorry but nobody can know everything.and for sure i missed it. the article was for september 2011.and from time to time i have to work to.english is not my native language how did you mean this "Yes, but does it occur to you how stupid I'd look telling such a blatant lie?"

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