Audio popping in RRRE

I've got problems with audio popping in RRRE.
It's very inconsistent. Sometimes I can play for a long time without hearing any sound popping and other times it happens alot.

I don't have problems with this in any other game, listening to music, watching YouTube etc.
It seems like there are certain spots on tracks which triggers this more often - like when I'm driving down just before Aqua Minerale.
Also pressing the button to look behind the car often makes the sound pop.

I have a i7700K and a 1080TI and I can play RRRE with a constant framerate above 100 fps.
Mobo is Asus Z270-H.
OS Win 7 64

The problem has been there since day 1 on the computer.

I've tried other audio drivers and reinstalled the latest ones without being able to solve this issue.

The computer is very "clean" and I only have a couple of games installed and not much more. I have a dual boot so MS Office, Photoshop and other programs is installed in another Windows.

I have also disabled antivirus but it didn't help.

It's very annoying as I said above - it only happens in RRRE.

Anyone else experienced this in RRRE?

I posted this in the Sector3 forum as well to see if anyone had the same issues.

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