Auto Blip for HistorX

I run RFactor with a controller that I cannot split the throttle and brake axis. As a result I cannot blip the throttle while braking.

HistoriX appears to ignore my settings in the PLR file relating to auto blipping.

Is there any way I can activate auto blip?

Any advice is greatly appreciated.
For anyone that was interested in this question I found the answer.

The HistoriX cars have the Autoblip throttle value set at 0 or close to 0 in the HDV files. After playing with the value I now have the car blipping on downshifts.

Should work for anyone playing on a gamepad that you cannot separate the throttle from the braking axis. So I can now brake hard without spinning out.

I can see why they've done it as it forces you to fully heal and toe if you to blip if you've got pedals but some people don't have that.

Note I only race offline so if you fiddle with the HDV files it may make you ineligible for online races as you can mess with performance values in there.