Eulnono submitted a new resource:
Automatic Ping Kick (Linux server side) - Server side plugin to kick automaticly players who have a big ping
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Automatic Ping Kick (Linux server side) - Server side plugin to kick automaticly players who have a big ping
This script allows you to automatically kick a player with a ping value too high.
Each 30 secondes, the script check each average ping of players.
Player who have an exceeded value received 1 warn.
After 3 warns, the player is kicked.
This script required :
- Assetto server linux
- Stracker (only to diffuse messages)
- PHP5
- Screen
Installation :
- Unzip Copy / paste into a folder (for example /home)
- Open a new screen : screen -S ping-Kick
- Lunch it : php5 ping_kick.php
- Let the...
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