Automobilista 2 | December Development Roadmap Released

Paul Jeffrey

Reiza Studios have released the final development roadmap posting of 2020 for Automobilista 2, once again giving us an interesting peak behind the curtain of development back at Reiza HQ.
  • GT1 content arriving this year.
  • Street tyre physics revised.
  • Spa-Francorchamps confirmed - includes historic layouts.

Roadmap time for the various sim racing games across the spectrum of virtual racing - and today is the turn of Reiza Studios and the AMS 2 title - with plenty of exciting news about updates and content revealed by the popular Brazilian development team....

The development roadmap posting in full:

Greetings everyone - here we are again for our last AMS2 Dev Update of the year!

As mentioned in our previous catch-up earlier this month, we have been working hard to deliver a quite substantial update for AMS2 in our 2020 wrap-up - the whole team has in fact been at it through the Holiday season so far in order to tick as many boxes as we´re able in this update, and we are now in process of rounding it up for release at some point before New Year´s eve.

To ease the suspense, we decided to bring this Dev Update forward a bit in order to give you all a glimpse into what you may expect for this final AMS2 update of 2020 - hope you enjoy it!

Back to the 90's with GT1 cars
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On the content front, the highlight of the new update is the adittion of the 90s GT1 Series, with 3 iconic models (Mercedes CLK LM, Porsche 911 GT1 & Mclaren F1 GTR LT) arriving for AMS2 to bring what many believe to be one of the golden eras in sports car racing back to life!

These late 90s GT1 cars are some of the most exciting race cars ever - we felt very strongly about having them in AMS2 and getting their essence properly represented, and feedback in Beta testing so far seem to suggest we´re on the right track to achieve that.

The GT1s should probably be the highlight of this release but it´s not all - the update will also feature the legendary Mclaren F1 LM - the special edition of the already iconic supercar following its success at Le Mans. With 671 hp, the F1 LM is a mighty machine and to this day the ultimate enbodiment of what a Supercar should be.

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s the tyre slogan goes, power is nothing without control and that certainly applies to the enjoyment of powerful sim racing cars as well - with that in mind we have thoroughly revised our street tyre physics in order to make the experience of driving a Mclaren F1 properly challenging, without being frustrating - these changes likewise benefit the Ultima GTR and Camaro SS with which the F1 will share the Street Cars category in the game.

The update in fact features a pretty substantial physics revamp, with all cars receiving updates to an extent or another, so you may want to revisit some of the oldies too!

Spa-Francorchamps Arriving for Automobilista 2!

The physics developments are obviously great value, and it´s in the most challenging corners that they become most noticeable - all the better then that this update will be the one to feature a track with no shortage of such corners, the epic Spa-Francorchamps!

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The circuit originally made out of 14km of public roads linking various charming pictoresque villages deep into the Belgian countryside was eventually shortened to its current 7k, but retained much of its flair. Over the past few decades, Spa has become the quintessential race track on the international motorsports scene and arguably the overall favorite for both real and virtual racers alike. It´s only fitting then that possibly our most significant AMS2 update will also be the one to see its arrival to the sim.

The track team is still working hard as they have been all year in order to complete the track in its full glory - it is already in great shape but we wanted to cover some more ground on the art front before producing preview screenies, unfortunately none quite made it in time for this dev update.

We will indeed be running out the clock this month in order to get the track ready for release, and at this point it´s still possible we will opt to release the game update first, with the track coming a few days later - in any case you may expect our track team to continue to pour extra details into it in the days following its release, as they have in other recent releases.

Also worth reminding that even though the Spa DLC and the packs that include them will also see historical variants added to the pack at no extra cost, this initial release will only feature the Modern track as it is today - the 1991 layout should follow by February, with the 1970s 14km version coming later on in 2021.

AMS2 DLC Policy Moving Forward

The release of Spa will be another major milestone on the big plans we have mapped out for AMS2, many of which yet to come to surface. We love what we do and feel privileged to be able to do it, so we always strive to make our work as accessible as we are able to those who share our passion - even though these are already relatively inexpensive products, we do realise that these are specially tough times and that sometimes even small amounts of disposable income can be in short supply.

At the same time, AMS2 does feature many premium cars and tracks now which are quite costly to license and produce - sometimes releasing them as DLCs are the only viable way for us to offer them, and that will be increasingly the case as we go into 2021 and the arrivals of some major Expansion Packs.

Looking to best concile that reality with our wish to keep AMS2 as accessible as we can manage, we are opting to leave DLC tracks available for all users when running single player championships that feature those tracks. We are also evaluating a way to make DLC tracks available for all users in multiplayer races when joining as a client (this however most likely won´t be implemented in time for this upcoming release).

DLC tracks will remain exclusively available for owners in other game modes, when creating a multiplayer session and eventually for users who wish to add them when creating custom single player championship seasons.

Please keep in mind this may change as things evolve over the course of AMS2 development, so if you enjoy the game and want to see it continue to grow don´t miss out on grabbing the DLCs if and when you have the chance, specially during the seasonal Steam sales as the one currently ongoing

Core Game Developments

That covers the content side of things, but the upcoming update features a lot more in core game developments - besides the aforementioned physics revisions, below are some of the other highlights to look forward to:

The User Interface has received a very nice cosmetic facelift and all background screens are now available in up to 4K resolution.

We have implemented some much-requested quality-of-life features such as options to customize camera position and FFB Gain per vehicle.

While there has been no further developments to the Camera System in this update, we have revised a lot of our content to address issues with track surfaces and / or car suspension when these were contributing to an excessive amount of oscillations in cockpit view; while it remains important to tune your camera options to your personal preferences and some track / car combos make for inherently bumpy rides, we expect issues on the content side of things to have been greatly minimised.

AI Development has continued to be one of our top priorities, with a lot of AI performance callibration passes in parallel to the ongoing physics revisions, along with some further AI behavior code developments. We are now looking into the AI behavior under blue flags to improve their ability navigating traffic in multiclass races, most improvements will probably only make it in for our next update late in January but some early developments may possibly arrive already on this release.

On the Multiplayer front, we have made some valuable adjustments to the netcode in order to improve reliability in close racing, with Multiplayer tests in AMS2 Beta so far seeming to confirm good gains have been made.

Championship Mode will receive a big boost with several new championships being included in the next update both for the real and fictional series included in the game.

The Custom Championship tool which had been planned as one of the highlights of this update unfortunately won´t quite make it in time for this release - even though the structure for users to create and configure their own championshp seasons is mostly in place, it still needs a few more weeks of work for all customization options to be supported and for the feature to be fully tested - thus we´re opting to keep working on it a bit longer to include it a more feature-complete version next month.

The Custom Livery system has received some further tweaks and a complete template package for all cars in the game will finally be available in time for the update deployment.

Last but not least, we have some very cool developments coming up to further boost the value of the superb Weather System in the Madness engine - the first of these featuring in our next update is a more accurate probability system when running Random weather in a session, which ensures weather variations are more realistic to the climate of the track´s location - this allows for setting up races with unenscripted weather, without the risk of running into unlikely weather variations.

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This is the first of several interesting developments incoming on the weather system front in future updates - more to come!

So Long 2020 - Here We Go 2021!

This update will conclude the work done in the first year of AMS2´s dev cycle - 2020 has obviously proved a challenging year on many levels for many people in all walks of life, so we´re pretty relieved to have made it through and delivered on the majority of our plans for the year - we like to think the game has seen considerable progress made in all fronts since its release, and we´re very pleased with its overall status as of this upcoming update.

At the same time, we remain aware there is a lot of work still to do in order for AMS2 to fulfill its great potential and to make it attractive to a wider range of sim racers - we go into 2021 with that goal firmly in mind, and confident that by this time next year we´ll have moved considerably closer to it. This is still just the beginning!

An updated 2021 roadmap will have to wait a little longer as we have been fully consumed by the ongoing work on this next update, but we should have a lot of interesting news to share already by the end of next month - stay tuned!

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For now, we´d like to thank everyone who have been along with us on this ride so far, and wish you all a very healthy and Happy New Year in 2021 - may it fulfill all its promises!

Original Source: Reiza Studios.

AMS2 questions? No worries, check out the AMS 2 sub forum here at RaceDepartment - start a new thread and let the answers roll in!

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Can you imagine if iRacing would let you participate in a race even if you don't own the car or the track?

I wonder if they would get as much crap about it as Reiza Studios if they did? ;)
Iracing has given out content for free that was paid at some point. Of course the same nonsensical whining about freeloaders did occur back then too but less so as that content tends to be quite old. But then again there are people who have voiced their concerns when a dlc they bought earlier was later sold at discount and they felt betrayed by that. There are people who are just immune to logic and reason.
'm always amazed how the AMS2 threads get 10x as many comments as any other game yet there's so few people in game

I have the same curiosity, I enjoy AMS2, I play regularly, It has content that no other has, it drives well, looks gorgeous in VR. As Reiza keeps improving it relentlessly, I have more and more reason to play more often.
But, still when looking at the daily user base, it is very low. I do not get it, some thought GT3 would bring the crowd, it helped, but in a very limited way.

One thing Reiza does not need, is the kind of attitude we can witness in this thread.
We are fortunate to have such a good SIM, at least I feel fortunate, let's enjoy it for what it offers, let's hope Reiza keep's pushing updates, so our enjoyment of this particular title gets even better and more players join in, as this will be the best way for Reiza to keep growing.
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I really hope that at some point we get the whole list from pc2 with group a, group 5, group c, gtos, vintage indycars and the rest of those vintage machines. I don't care for much stuff build beyond the 2000s. I wanna enjoy and embrace the panic and fear going too fast with a deathtrap under my virtual bum and imagine how big the balls must have been from drivers back in those days. With reiza also delivering a lot of historic track content it will be so much more fun than most of the other sims because nobody seems to produce the older tracks/layouts. I for myself don't care at all if the real street is/was 2m wider or narrower or anything else, since i don't use my sims as a practice ground for real racing. So bring on the H-Shifter era content i will buy it anyways, i had/have so much fun with your products since the release of your first stock car game.
Massively exited to get the new update, keep checking back to see any new info on that (and steam).
There's the new stuff coming but there's already so much to enjoy!
So rather than spending all day talking about it, I decided to do summit about it.
Booted up a server, filled it quickley, live streamed it whilst i was at it on Youtube, ended up at it for over 2 hrs and guess what happened???????

I had a fecking great time!!! Best bit, MCR's at Donnington with a full grid of players, almost catching the same guy i was racing against on a server the night before who is quite a bit faster than me. Car's felt great!

Thanks Reiza for all the good fun im having with your sim keeping me entertained over yet another lockdown, bloody brilliant stuff!!!
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I don't play AMS2 multiplayer. It's not that I didn't try, just that it's all broken. If Reiza want more people playing AMS2's multiplayer, MAYBE they could try to make it work... should be a good start. And improve it, also could be a good strategy to save the game.

Don't matter what content the game have if you can't use it. And AC RSR, an indie mod, still beat hard on AMS2 MP. It can say a lot about Reiza's priorities. Still, my favourite car ingame (the Copa Classic Gol), go broken on last update... so, instead of work on fix the game and put the right features in place, they fck up what is working and mess with how their business model is working. But, ok... all the 244 people (Steam.db) that still play the game are defending it fiercely on internet foruns... yeeeeeeeeyyyyy.
Your clearly not even trying to enjoy AMS2 and seem to want it to fail. Weird perspective but your free to have that opinion.
Just to let you know, Reiza have been adding features and making fixes to both MP and SP that sometimes has a knock on effect to other cars/classes, it needs to be reported to be fixed. So instead of coming here bad mouthing the Dev team maybe make a report of your issue and you will see just how fast it gets solved.
But you want it to fail so I'm sure you'll just continue with you campaign here and in other forums to try and drive people away.
Any history buffs happen to look into what years the GT1 cars are from? I came up with 1997 for the McLaren and 1998 for the Mercedes and Porsche. Just wondering if anyone else arrived at the same years.
Any news for us plebs using controllers? My G25 drew it's last breath after many years of loyal service (a moment please) and I'm using an xbone controller to tie me over for the forseeable future. However the ingame controller settings are really poor compared with AMS and I'm concerned that they won't be improved because of a limitation with the madness engine.

New content looks great. I just hope I can enjoy it without throwing a gamepad across the room.
The problem is that simracing is a niche that is already a bit saturated. So a driver has his sim, and on it he has his favorite cars, setups (and he worked on them for months, maybe years), leagues, friends, his favorite youtubers streaming it every week, and everything else. To leave it all behind for a new product is something difficult.

But I believe all racing games have its place on the market. AMS2 is progressing well and if the game reach a daily player base of 1000 people it will already be good enough. I've joined the multiplayer after the GT pack release, Steam Charts was showing 800 online on the game, and there was a good number of servers to join. I've created my own server - F309 at Interlagos -, quickly it got almost 20 drivers and we had a lot of fun on it.

So I think AMS2 has a promising future. I bought all the DLCs until now and I think making it free for everybody on multiplayer is a very good move. I just hope Reiza do a superb job on the rating system that will come in 2021. I believe It will be crucial to the game popularity in the future.
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That shot with the Porsche, is that Daytona? Those flood lights look familiar.

Yes, it is :)

If you want unsubstantiated rumour, where Daytona goes Watkins Glen often follows; see Project CARS 2, iRacing and Raceroom. The two circuits have the same owners. Also, presumably they can use SMS assets like these other two US circuits.
Do you guys think it's worth buying this game now? I only tested a version of this game like 8 months ago and although there were some cars that I really enjoyed driving (like the V10 F1 cars) but most of the cars felt horrible and neglected in terms of physics (like the Brazilian Stock Cars which were nothing like driving a dowforce car and it had a really strong Project CARS feel to it) Do the new GT3/GT4 etc... cars have better physics?
Do you guys think it's worth buying this game now? I only tested a version of this game like 8 months ago and although there were some cars that I really enjoyed driving (like the V10 F1 cars) but most of the cars felt horrible and neglected in terms of physics (like the Brazilian Stock Cars which were nothing like driving a dowforce car and it had a really strong Project CARS feel to it) Do the new GT3/GT4 etc... cars have better physics?
It drives almost nothing like it did 8 months ago. The way cars rotated around a single axis is gone. Everything, from ffb to ui is better. I would absolutely give it a try.
I really hope that at some point we get the whole list from pc2 with group a, group 5, group c, gtos, vintage indycars and the rest of those vintage machines. I don't care for much stuff build beyond the 2000s. I wanna enjoy and embrace the panic and fear going too fast with a deathtrap under my virtual bum and imagine how big the balls must have been from drivers back in those days. With reiza also delivering a lot of historic track content it will be so much more fun than most of the other sims because nobody seems to produce the older tracks/layouts. I for myself don't care at all if the real street is/was 2m wider or narrower or anything else, since i don't use my sims as a practice ground for real racing. So bring on the H-Shifter era content i will buy it anyways, i had/have so much fun with your products since the release of your first stock car game.

I'm happy for Rieza to incorporate PC2 content into AMS2 because there was a lot of passionate guy's working at SMS, Casey Ringley springs to mind! PC2 cars were well modelled and still look great (I still play PC2 with Popracers FFB file) PC2 has a great car and track rosta and that is why i still dip into it from time to time! If Rieza get this content and do their physic's wizardry on it then who am i to complain? Plus we get decent content faster! Cheers, I look forward to the usual suspects flaming me! :roflmao:
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Do you guys think it's worth buying this game now? I only tested a version of this game like 8 months ago and although there were some cars that I really enjoyed driving (like the V10 F1 cars) but most of the cars felt horrible and neglected in terms of physics (like the Brazilian Stock Cars which were nothing like driving a dowforce car and it had a really strong Project CARS feel to it) Do the new GT3/GT4 etc... cars have better physics?

Do you drink? Yuh know when you go down the pub and there's that beer that you don't really like that costs £4.30, which is suddenely on offer for a quid cause they're on the last barrel, and suddenly you don't give a feck anymore cause its a quid and you get twated on it all night and have a great time and you're really happy cause it only cost ya less than the price of two of your usual rather than £34.40...... Steam sales on in'it! Savvy?

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