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Apps AverageSpeedPerLap 1.1

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AverageSpeedPerLap - Calculates your average speed per lap


AverageSpeedPerLap keeps a running average of your speed, displayed in either mph or kph, for the current lap. Whenever you start a new lap, the previous lap is stored for reference, as well as your best speed. Obviously your first lap will start at a disadvantage because you'll be starting from a standstill - but you know that already, don't you, you handsome, daring racecar driver?

Your best speed per lap is stored for that particular configuration of...

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hi, can you modify the app, that show in first mph and on the right side km/h ???
or tell me how to do, because i think is all inside the file .py
I can look into it. I'm not sure how many people will want to see both at the same time, but it could be a feature some want.

In the meantime, if you'd like to make changes to your local version, the only changes would need to be in the `draw()` function, and then you'd have to make the app window and elements a little wider to accommodate more text. I can't currently test if this is exactly what you need, but if you're familiar with Python, it should get you close enough.

def draw():
    # Handles the visual updates, to include displaying as kph
    global avg_curr, avg_prev, avg_best, use_kph
    global com_avg_curr, com_avg_prev, com_avg_best
    ac.setText(com_avg_curr, str(round(avg_curr, 1))+'/'+str(round(convert_to_kph(avg_curr), 1)))
    ac.setText(com_avg_prev, str(round(avg_prev, 1))+'/'+str(round(convert_to_kph(avg_prev), 1)))
    ac.setText(com_avg_best, str(round(avg_best, 1))+'/'+str(round(convert_to_kph(avg_best), 1)))

That would produce something like
CURR 00.0/00.0 PREV 00.0/00.0 BEST 00.0/00.0
hi, i have seen where to modify the string, inside the file .py
i have seen the opacity, and i have change the value.
i have after enlarge the app. (picture 2).
Screenshot 2023-09-13 095204.jpg
Screenshot 2023-09-13 100641.jpg

now, i ask only the strings for modify the internal datas that are glued.
i think you can update your app, because assetto corsa is also for american people.
and the app is more performant, for me.