Aviation fans anyone?

I like planes, anything with big engines, goes really fast and makes alot of noise is always going to make me smile.

My dad was in the RAF and been to the local air musuem here a few times.

dreamliner is more replacement for (if not mistaken) some B757 (routes), B767 and competes with A330 (and maybe replacement for the A300-600 that American Airlines recently retired)....but then again I might be mistaken here
Spent 4 years in the US NAvy as an Avionics/weapons system tech. Worked on the flight deck of the USS NIMITZ as the workcenter primary troubleshooter fr VA-35 Black Panthers.

Grumman A6E was my bird!

1985 Nightshift troubleshooter for MEdeiterranean Deployment. Working at night on the flight deck is one hell of an experience during flight ops.

1986 NOrth Atlantic deployment ( blue nose ) Dayshift Flightdeck troubleshooter in the Artic circle and NOrth Atlantic. UNreal deployment. Seen more rainbows and oil platforms in a day than you'll see in a lifetime.

Military Aviation is my interest. Those airline planes just don't do it for me. well except the twin deck monster Airbus made. Thats pretty impressive!

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