Ayrton Senna Game

Senna was truly 'The master'. I loved to watch him drive...whether it was an F1 car, kart or jet ski. It was always intense.. He could do things with a car that only few could imagine. It was like nothing you'd ever seen before. He had the ability to become 'one' with the chassis. It was uncanny. One has to wonder what would have been if that crash had not taken him from us.

Contrary to popular belief. He wasn´t the fastest guy in karting :)
It was when he moved to cars where he really started to show how great he was.

He was actually getting schooled by the same guy over and over in karts, but he had more experience though.
What Senna had was a willingness to right situations he deemed as weakness. It was Senna...the young boy, who took his kart out in a downpour..after he decided he needed to learn how to properly drive it in wet weather to remedy a past slower showing on track. I'd say that was a precursor to Donington.That's commitment.
In Senna`s movie we can see him talking about his team mate in go-karts, Mr.Fullerton. He was not the fastest in go karts, but knowing that was definitely a big step for him improving his skills. After a terrible race under wet conditions he decided that, everytime it rained in Sao Paulo, he would jump quickly to Interlagos kartodrome and practice under these condtions. Such commitment, mentioned by our mate Terry Rock, resulted in skills never seen before in racing under wet. Below we can see a simple video on how he would drive in the worst conditions, just to please the brazilian crowd in 94 home race. A pitty at that time Benetton had some ilegal components (proved afterwards during 94 season).

Also another great thing to watch is the difference between Senna and Prost driving styles. This video below, taken from onboard cameras in Suzuka 1989 shows us how much smoother Prost is in driving, while Senna is really aggressive in all the parts of the track.
The result of this fight, we all know. In my humble opinion it was a normal race incident. Senna diving on the inside (yes, aggressively) and Prost shutting the door. It was Prost`s corner, but anyway he moved across Senna`s car.
After a pit stop and a couple of laps Senna does the same move on Naninni, this time with no collision.


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