BAKU Toughest track on Calendar.

I have just run a sim race against AI at Baku. This track is wilder than Monaco. I got the pole after finding my way round and avoiding walls that feel like they have Magnets in drawing you in. I even rolled the car. Like Detroit sometimes you have no clue whether you're going Left or right or even if there is a turn.

My hats go of to all the F1 drivers who mastered this track. At least at Monaco you know where you should be going. Its like a giant maze here at Baku and the toughest track on the ca lender to date.
Major respect for F1 drivers to race there.
But I have learned the track racing GT and Touring cars on RFactor 2 and it’s a great track with good mix of fast and technical section.
I have just run a sim race against AI at Baku. This track is wilder than Monaco. I got the pole after finding my way round and avoiding walls that feel like they have Magnets in drawing you in. I even rolled the car. Like Detroit sometimes you have no clue whether you're going Left or right or even if there is a turn.

My hats go of to all the F1 drivers who mastered this track. At least at Monaco you know where you should be going. Its like a giant maze here at Baku and the toughest track on the ca lender to date.