PC1 Banned for no reason!

Just out of curiosity: How can you pull out?
I thought a refund was not possible after a certain amount of time?
You can pull out by not showing up anymore.
rfactor2 gave a refund but pCars doesn't and isn't possible because of the investment thing.
Only if you get banned they have to give you your money.
I was under the impression that you conceded and agreed to try and not be as agressive/demanding when posting feedback.

Then you must have missed the part where wrote that I will go on just to consume :) No feedback from me anymore, since its considered to be rude, if it´s straight forward without the asslicking.
If you call this aggressive so be it.
Btw. I supported the graphic devs with tons of reference material without getting anything out of it, spending money on petrol, risking my life on the track, investing my time. So what was that about "demanding"? I do this for the poeple at WMD that want support. And I´m happy to support them, because they want produce a very nice sim. But I do it my way. I don´t want to spend time thinking "oh, how do I phrase this? Who could be offended by this?". I call nobody an arse but when I think something isn´t done properly I have the insolence to state this "germanish".
There are people at WMD who really work and some who want their narcistic egos pampered and let their money "work". I support the former. Thats all.
Then you must have missed the part where wrote that I will go on just to consume :) No feedback from me anymore, since its considered to be rude, if it´s straight forward without the asslicking.
If you call this aggressive so be it.
Btw. I supported the graphic devs with tons of reference material without getting anything out of it, spending money on petrol, risking my life on the track, investing my time. So what was that about "demanding"? I do this for the poeple at WMD that want support. And I´m happy to support them, because they want produce a very nice sim. But I do it my way. I don´t want to spend time thinking "oh, how do I phrase this? Who could be offended by this?". I call nobody an arse but when I think something isn´t done properly I have the insolence to state this "germanish".
There are people at WMD who really work and some who want their narcistic egos pampered and let their money "work". I support the former. Thats all.

I think you have done a lot of great work back on WMD and I was just stating the factual events that followed the above statement. The thread was locked after your last statement to remco so no I did not read anything else about the subject.

I hope you descide to come back later and give feedback about the new tyre model since you seem to have a lot of insight about sims.
Thanks. Since I testdrive sportscars I think I can say something about the upcoming NTM but I´m not sure if I should because my experience is to not state the negative opinions unless one beats around the bush endlessly with fancy phrases (e.g. "I think you guys will come up with a great sim, but I have to say.....and so on and so on." bleh!).
Many English people have problems with the way Germans go straight to the point. This is often considered to be rude and disrespectful. Many German white-collar-companies have this code of political correctness in operation but I worked in the area of "skilled crafts and trades" and I prefer to stick to their language. So maybe I´m not a classic "gentleman" but thats the way I am. I use words as wagons to transport my information. Some may feel overrun by this "train". Catch my drift?
So maybe I´m not a classic "gentleman" but thats the way I am. I use words as wagons to transport my information. Some may feel overrun by this "train". Catch my drift?

Sure I can relate to that, I have some trouble with the forum phrasing myself since English isn't my main language.. hell I hardly can make myself understood in text in my own language so sometimes it is very frustrating to find the neuance to not upset people :)
I can see why this thread is so important to WMD now. Over 42,000 views. Must be getting on close to a record.

Pity Rob isn't here to comment on the whole thing. But I can honestly say that the title of the thread is apt because it applies to many other ex WMD members too.
@TherealWalkman - I believe you may have nailed it. I have noticed that quite a few of the "rude" sounding posts on WMD have come from Germans. This is in no way meant to be anti-German but like you say may be an issue with different cultures trying to communicate via an English only forum. The English do tend to sugar coat things and find abruptness tough to deal with. It's in our nature to sound apologetic about everything like we will generally not want to make a fuss in a restaurant even if we have a shitty meal. :)
Ok, I can see that nothing will appeal to you so I'll give up. In short, 'an unreasonable excuse' is different than 'no reason'. We've never banned anyone for no reason. Any ban (about 0.05% of members in total) is fully discussed internally with all SMS leads and mods and a decision is reached by consensus. it requires a person to be patently asking for it basically.

I've not defamed anyone, don't accuse me of that. Inciting hatred? Man honestly, calm down a bit.
Hey IAN. Beautiful. Just beautiful review score given to your Project Test Drive Ferrari Simcade game by the SRT guys.. Brilliant and factual score.

So using the Madness engine just isn't producing you the results except lollipop candy graphics hey? You team was on that project before Shift 1 and 2? Amazing work. Seen them playing the game and reviewing it. Tires don't blow? Yet on the box you lied and stated this and that? Ian are you a smart business man, or think people are all Naive to swallow your poison you feed em?

TDF looks a lot like Pcars right down to the same camera positioning on Hockenheim Ring. Go play your Shift 2 version of Hockenheim ring and then fire up Pcars. Watch the replay camera placements. Am I looking into a mirror with these 2 games side by side.

What's with the absolutely drunk driving AI you have in the Pcars simcade? Notice how insanely elementary they drive in TDF as well. SMH.

Let me as a business man give you a piece of advice and really consider it. Ditch the Madness engine cause it's gonna bankrupt you. Shift 2 sales were horrendous. Now all the negative talk about TDF on YT and on the forums is gonna make that game a bargain bin deal in a month. No activity on the consoles online? Forza and GT5, day 1 online activity was insane and still continues.

Go make a deal (if ISI are paid enough) to get their new Gmotor 2 engine or Kuno's for their AC engine. Do that now. Scrap Pcars and start over. That engine is gonna destroy you and SMS's credibility right to the ground. If not, take another 3-5 years to work on Pcars from the ground up again and DELIVER. Otherwise Ninendo will hire you to make their new Mario Kart for the WII U. Do it now, or forever bang your head against a brick wall.

As the fine words that came out of Darrin Ganji's mouth, "SMS you should be ashamed at yourself". Lastly I want a refund on that Pcars. I signed on in October. See nothing earthshattering up till now that tells me you got any hope in delivering.

Please let me know if I can get a paypal refund. If not since you are so successful and I'm supposed to recieve a stock holder share investment return on my investment like you preached everyone up from Senior to the top would recieve it. Just throw me a grand and we can settle it now. You good for standing up on the truth over investors payouts?

Have a nice day and GOOD LUCK. I really mean it. Tired of your Shananigans. Very tired. What happened to your days of GTL and GTR2 quality with updated graphics? Insane. Sure Slightly Mad Studios is a good name for you. After SRT's review on your embarrassment of a simcade on TDF, I think your name is very fitting now.
Hello haters :)

Shift 2 presold more than double those VG Chartz figures.

MOD EDIT: No need to go personal in here, points were clearly stated in previous messages.

Hello haters :)

Shift 2 presold more than double those VG Chartz figures.

Right after it hit the bargain bins within 3 short months at 30 dollars..lol's. Steam got on the bandwagon for the PC version and sold it cheaper much quicker as well.

MOD EDIT: No need to go personal in here, points were clearly stated in previous messages.

Actually Bell, can you point out the lies and defamatory and libleous statements anywhere?
You say it was fun for while, that's nice for you. I suppose you mean in the way your trained troll (Pimphand) riles members up? He admits to doing so on your controlled site No Grip too. And while we are on the subject can you also point out to me what legally dangerous statements are being made? Actually, can you threaten the site owners like that? I'd ban you if I owned the site purely for the threats.

Brilliant comment. I'll buy that for a dollar...lol's. No really brilliant and fair and true.
We disagree David. There's you, Andy and about three other haters rilling around any forum that will accept them abusing pCARS. The overwhelming majority of the feedback we receive is extremely positive.

Abuse is fine BTW, it's your right. Those that post libelous statements are an entirely different issue.

I'm sorry (crying with tears). Don't put me in jail Bell. Don't take my eye candy away from me.

Reading your comment on here is JUST destroying you in the credibility department and you as a Professional business man you should be willing to uphold. I have heard your ignorant comments to former supporters of you that did a lot of amazing advertising for your project. You took that individual and spit on him literally. REALLY?. I'm reading through your nonsense when you first started with "Hello Haters". MY GOD you just put your foot in your mouth and wedged it in soo deep you can't ever get it out. In other words, there is never a way for you to redeem that unprofessional statement ever.

I do see now why you and your business associates and your hired trolls like Micas are trying to manipulate and monopolize all the Sim racing forums except your own and NG.

MOD EDIT: No need to go personal

I can see that your inside feelings are rotting away at you and you have absolutely no control over yourself and morons like Micas in the words you push your way into this forum and speak. an attitude unbecoming of a man who should be able to take every negative and positive comment with professionalism and a mindset of calm and CONTROL. Now I'm a businessman myself. I market a product line that people will accept and some will not accept. I recieve the utmost praise from some and utmost critisizm from others.

Know how I treat the negative ones? With respect and a calm mild attitude. Know why. Here's a free statement on the house: "Showing respect and professionalism in any negative atmospheric condition, is like planting a seed. A seed that could if you nurture it and water it ever so finely can sprout and produce fruitages you would never of thought possible."

In case you don't understand that i'll tell you outright. By your conduct and attitude and showing professional and respectful actions, you will gain WAY more support then you could ever think possible. Your quick to jump reactions along with your boy Micas is killing you, not just on this forum, but around all the media hubs. Don't go thinking just because WMD and No grip and say Virtual racing is holding a shield in front of you, that you are inpenatrable. You need to take praise and critisism with a much higher level of professionalism. Something you blew with not just a few people who don't like your Pcars, but with many who just go through this thread and enjoy reading the comments.

Change your ways and approach and during some spare time, please consider a course in proper sales ettiquette. Good day sir.
Again Bram, it was a joke. Not quite up there with 'Hello Moose ****ers' at the Montreal comedy festival but I thought it set things off in a nice light.

Last time really, the title of this thread is a lie, it's been pointed out to be so. Any site would have at least checked if a member is opening threads with a title like that to ensure their accusation was accurate. This site has let it stay up there frankly as a pCARS hate general thread. It's not good enough.

If you don't see this thread as being a hate fest then I can only assume you haven't read it. Maybe I was referring to those that don't like pCARS? Maybe I was also lumping in teh outright lies and libelous statements.

Extremely unjustified and unwarranted joke that made you look EXTREMELY bad..Of very VERY bad taste I must say so myself. I'm shocked at what i'm reading this guy type. This is the appidemy of low respect given to this community that is like the Titanic sinking, never to be recovered.

If this individual who started this thread is a fake, you must have records on him on whether you banned him or not and didn't refund his money to him, which by law could end up in you recieving a suopena for a court date. If you can factually prove it by showing your records on this individual, then all will be okay.

MOD EDIT: No need to go personal in here.

Let's just place that Lie statement back into the palm of your hands and have you prove YOU are right about this members claim of being banned.

Like Mission Impossible's famous quote: "Are you willing to accept this mission".

Balls in your court. Let's have it.
What a hysteria because of Andy, David and 3 others(?) against a multi-million (We are the best) company.
I think they're (sms) not convinced that it will be a good game if they make such a big fuss of it.

Thats exactly the way I see it. I see no confidence what so ever in childish unprofessional comments coming from both Bell and Micas. And Bell even used the F word in here blatently. Sorry for the posts after the posts.

MOD EDIT: No need to go personal.

A business owner acting this way over his project, spells no confidence on his part to me in flocks.
Please! This is just total rubbish and ignorance! Your comments comparing TDFL and pcars are preposterous and groundless! They are totally different products without any shared tech. TDFL is a project controlled tightly by Atari and based on Shift tech and a Ferrari licence. It does not share any engines with pcars (neither physics nor graphics, or any other). You say TDFL looks like pcars?? I will stop arguing with you, but you are wrong on as good as all your points...

People have a tendency to group together against a common "enemy" and escalate beyond reason. You have jumped on misleading and wrong information by ISR where they speculated that TDFL and pcars are the same. And then you have added to that.

And your language and attitude is far from acceptable. You are laughing directly in the face of Ian Bell and SMS and calling them names. If you are more than 14 years you should really think about what you are saying. And you are talking about respect and professionalism??
Hiding behind an anonymous internet user does not give you the right to bully and be rude!

This is for some, especially you, now way past an objective discussion and common behavior/sense. I have not read the terms and rules for this forum, but you are way passed and over in personal attack/abuse with your comments.

Can you stop this spamming of personal trash!

Btw, sorry, I generally dislike the tone in this thread and try not to contribute to that, but this was just too outrageous to let pass.
Hi Rupe, I appreciate the considered post.

On teh private chat stuff, we tried that many months ago about this particular thread title but it didn't go anywhere. I'm not sure we got a response.

If people are offended by 'Hello haters' with a smiley then I'm of the opinion they want to be offended.

Please don't be put off trying pCARS. We made the decision to engage the community, for good or for bad, in positive or negative threads as the whole ethos of what we are doing is community involvement. That means I can't just say thanks in the nice threads and forums if I'm being fair.

MOD EDIT: No need to go personal in here, points were clearly stated in previous messages.

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