PC1 Banned for no reason!

Please! This is just total rubbish and ignorance! Your comments comparing TDFL and pcars are preposterous and groundless! They are totally different products without any shared tech. TDFL is a project controlled tightly by Atari and based on Shift tech and a Ferrari licence. It does not share any engines with pcars (neither physics nor graphics, or any other). You say TDFL looks like pcars?? I will stop arguing with you, but you are wrong on as good as all your points...

People have a tendency to group together against a common "enemy" and escalate beyond reason. You have jumped on misleading and wrong information by ISR where they speculated that TDFL and pcars are the same. And then you have added to that.

And your language and attitude is far from acceptable. You are laughing directly in the face of Ian Bell and SMS and calling them names. If you are more than 14 years you should really think about what you are saying. And you are talking about respect and professionalism??
Hiding behind an anonymous internet user does not give you the right to bully and be rude!

This is for some, especially you, now way past an objective discussion and common behavior/sense. I have not read the terms and rules for this forum, but you are way passed and over in personal attack/abuse with your comments.

Can you stop this spamming of personal trash!

Btw, sorry, I generally dislike the tone in this thread and try not to contribute to that, but this was just too outrageous to let pass.

Hiding behind an anonymous name. See the name up by my avatar? Does that sound anonymous to you? A Ukrainian name like that?

I'm sorry friend. I'll tell you straight up. I do not like the tone of Ians and Micas's comments. I do not like being lied to as a consumer of all his products in the past. Nor do I like excuses, legal threats, nor swearing from a lead developer.

No you just stay out of it. I'm a straight up shooter. I don't let someone piss on my back and tell me it's raining. No way.

I'm entitled to express myself and in a few comments here I actually gave the man some good solid, truthful advice being a business owner myself. I know how to treat people who deserve my respect. I practically will tear my shirt of my back to support or help anyone. But since Ian and his lap dog followed him here yesterday and was rude, vulgar in his speech, and threatening, I cannot sit down without feedback and ignore it.

I've said all I have to say to you now. YOU let it go.
I'm not joining any sides here to argue and fight, I'm was just commenting on some etiquette and basic misinformation. Your tone is totally fine in the last post, just not in the ones above (and previous, as many others).

The anonymous thing: We are all, as internet users, "anonymous". (except some, like Ian Bell). We don't know each other and our comments are of no risk to us. In a big crowd we are anonymous, even when named.
It was all totally unnecessary. Micas on one side, Farrell on the other. They're both inflammatory, unreasonable, and entirely out of line. I don't know who is worse.

What have I said that was unnecessary? Oh ya I can be sarcastic if you wanna play that game, but I did make some total serious comments on here that would do Mr Bell some good to read and digest about his ettiquette.

I'm not a developer of a game. This forum is about racing sims. Not what I do in my business. I gave him excellent counsel and advice. His behavior in this forum yesterday is not the first time I've witnessed this. Mr Micas's behavior on here and on my YT site coming over and saying a remark that even would make your eyebrows rise to the top of your forehead would cause you to shake your head in disgust.

No I'm not to be compared in anyway to Micas. This fiasco of Ians and Micas's will continue and it's up to them if they wanna advertise themselves the way they are doing. No skin off my back. You know what honestly I never thought I'd see Ian here and I never thought Ian would allow Micas to be left on such a long leash as he allowed him to be.

If micas is a 300 k investor in this project I guess he gets a pass to do anything by Ians standards. Yes money talks.
I'm not joining any sides here to argue and fight, I'm was just commenting on some etiquette and basic misinformation. Your tone is totally fine in the last post, just not in the ones above (and previous, as many others).

The anonymous thing: We are all, as internet users, "anonymous". (except some, like Ian Bell). We don't know each other and our comments are of no risk to us. In a big crowd we are anonymous, even when named.

Don't talk to me about ettiquette when I was schooled in it when I'm in my business mode. Ian Bell is in his Business mode every comment he makes in a forum and I see NO ettiquette from that man at all. Nor Micas.

I'm glad I uninstalled Pcars from both my rigs and will be seeking a refund or banishment. I want NO part of this project no more.

I've been on the ISI forums and heard how Tim Wheatly responds to negative critism. Cool, calm, and fair. Pcars forum is a third reich monitored site. No thanks.

So again, my ettiquette issue with you is totally irrelevant. You must be a supporter of Pcars. And that is totally fine by me. I really hope they do well and wish them the best of luck with it. WHY do you think I invested in it? Huh? I was decent enough and impressed by what I heard once again and thought i'd give em one more chance. I'm not some cold, ignorant jerk.

But I did earlier warn Micas about challenging me to a debate which I fully knew would end up badly for him if he wanted to play the game. Result? His wonderful comment to me on one of my rFactor HistorX video I uploaded on YT. Okay now, I must say goodnight. Now that Pcars is uninstalled and I'm done with Pcars for good, I guess it's time for me THIS time to really be done with this thread for good. Gnight.
Most people in this thread has to take self-criticism, including you of course.

If you can't see what you have done wrong in this thread and can (together with us all) take self-criticism, I think you have a problem.
(no one want to go first of course, since that "looses face" in public)

When you give Ian you "excellent counsel" you can't incorporate that inside a generally negative post, then it will look like criticism rather than advise.


Back to the topic. (for once!)
When you (pay to) join the WMD community it is as a private contractor, a consultant to help developing a game (not a beta-tester, customer or SMS-representative). So you will not be treated as a customer either, but a respected consultant. And a consultant is expected to contribute and follow the work ethics in question. Eg. speak English, be polite, be constructive in criticism etc, as agreed when joining.
Outside of this work the consultants represents them self, not SMS/WMD/pcars. (eg. Micas)
I agree Farrell, you need to calm down. Stop with the personal insults. Infact, edit your posts now please. We accuse them of insulting members and throwing their weight about, so it's best if others on the opposite side of the fence do not do the same. Thanks.

Back on topic again in reply to Espen11, when I joined WMD, Ian delivered a little speech. In that speech he stated that we are all to act like his employees and if anything is spoken out of line in the office or out of the office as such, that employee can expect to get sacked. That does not sound like private contractors doing some consultancy work does it? I know I wanted to contribute but I found myself getting extremely mad watching good members being told off like kids and given their marching orders. In the end I had enough of that kind of behaviour and also asked to leave the project. I wasn't the only one. I think the thing that riled a lot of members up is the attitude.
ps Espen11, not all of us are anonymous, some llike to use our real names. ;)
Back on topic again in reply to Espen11, when I joined WMD, Ian delivered a little speech. In that speech he stated that we are all to act like his employees and if anything is spoken out of line in the office or out of the office as such, that employee can expect to get sacked. That does not sound like private contractors doing some consultancy work does it? I know I wanted to contribute but I found myself getting extremely mad watching good members being told off like kids and given their marching orders. In the end I had enough of that kind of behaviour and also asked to leave the project. I wasn't the only one. I think the thing that riled a lot of members up is the attitude.
ps Espen11, not all of us are anonymous, some llike to use our real names. ;)

So it is your firm belief that private contrators are free to talk to their clients as they want?

And Farrell, man .. Im stumped. Have you considered attending anger management classes as of lately?
Terrible amount of anger in here guys. I'll bow out of the thread. I'm not sure what is going on with the lack of moderation here but there's a vast difference between being able to speak one's mind and being plain abusive.
Terrible amount of anger in here guys. I'll bow out of the thread. I'm not sure what is going on with the lack of moderation here but there's a vast difference between being able to speak one's mind and being plain abusive.
In my humble opinion, complaining about how things went with introducing yourself the way you did is a bit silly.

As far as moderation goes, it's a work day, and people have lives. Posts are what, 6-7 hours old?
Maybe you can pay someone to keep an eye on... Oh, no, wait.
In my humble opinion, complaining about how things went with introducing yourself the way you did is a bit silly.

As far as moderation goes, it's a work day, and people have lives. Posts are what, 6-7 hours old?
Maybe you can pay someone to keep an eye on... Oh, no, wait.

Real sense of humour bypass here. If this is the ethos the 'staff' advance then I can see why there's so much anger in here.
A couple of key words missing, or just me failing at English, so not sure what you wanted to say there.

In any case, I set up netKar Pro events once a week -> Staff. I don't have moderation rights outside of that. People who do will sort the posts here when their real life activities allow it.
Terrible amount of anger in here guys. I'll bow out of the thread. I'm not sure what is going on with the lack of moderation here but there's a vast difference between being able to speak one's mind and being plain abusive.
But it's been fine and in your words looking over the thread " FUN " for a while when Micas was on here posting disgusting posts. When the shoe is on the other foot, it's different.

Some have gone too far but tbh Ian you have brought it all on yourself with the way you disrespected this community as a whole with your posts and also your threatening behaviour towards the admin here which has fallen on death ears.What you should of done was address the guys that are here discussing your game in the manner you don't like and not attacked the community. But again getting personal is not fair but tbh you do yourself.

IMO you need to employ somebody who can do the talking for you in the future. Customer relations and how you are viewed are not your strongest points.

I think truly alot of guys didn't really have animosity towards you before your posts. Yes people are disappointed but there was never any hate. Micas I'm afraid has fuelled and wound people up so much here and other places, saying he has your number blah blah and Ian finds it funny that i troll here etc etc that now it's starting to backfire.

Your posts were uncalled for with the threats but more so Micas coming on here and goading with you has not helped matters.

It's clear that the members here are a fair bunch of guys. The modding thread is a good indication of how good they can be when you speak to them as adults and interact in the correct manner instead of getting all hot headed and blasting people down like you do.
But it's been fine and in your words looking over the thread " FUN " for a while when Micas was on here posting disgusting posts. When the shoe is on the other foot, it's different.

Some have gone too far but tbh Ian you have brought it all on yourself with the way you disrespected this community as a whole with your posts and also your threatening behaviour towards the admin here which has fallen on death ears. But again getting personal is not fair but tbh you do yourself.

IMO you need to employ somebody who can do the talking for you in the future. Customer relations and how you are viewed are not your strongest points.

I think truly alot of guys didn't really have animosity towards you before your posts. Yes people are disappointed but there was never any hate. Micas I'm afraid has fuelled and wound people up so much here and other places, saying he has your number blah blah and Ian finds it funny that i troll here etc etc that now it's starting to backfire.

Your posts were uncalled for with the threats but more so Micas coming on here and goading with you has not helped matters.

It's clear that the members here are a fair bunch of guys. The modding thread is a good indication of good they can be when you speak to them as adults and interact in the correct manner instead of getting all hot headed and blasting people down like you do.

Sorry but I've not been insulting to any of the community here. I have responded to extremely aggressive posts with as much patience as could be expected. Please show me where I disrespected the community.

Please also show where my posts create animosity. If it's my Hello haters (smiley) opening then I feel sorry for those who can't take a joke.

To say that the members here are a fair bunch of guys is very nice of you, but you're missing those that clearly aren't. There are posts in this thread that are a clear litany of personal abuse. If you think that's fair then I can't see what more I can do to appeal to staff here.

As to the admins here, it's not a threat, it's something we'll be pursuing as defamation of a company, being openly supported by the admins and staf of a site, as you state in this post is illegal. The title of this thread hasn't been altered despite clear statements that it's false.

I appreciate your advice that I should stay quiet and have some corporate automaton post on behalf of me, but that's not really my style.

Your open support for defamatory posts and multiple other posts that clearly contravene your own posting policy towards us as a company or myself personally won't help your cause.
Sorry but I've not been insulting to any of the community here. I have responded to extremely aggressive posts with as much patience as could be expected. Please show me where I disrespected the community.

Please also show where my posts create animosity. If it's my Hello haters (smiley) opening then I feel sorry for those who can't take a joke.

To say that the members here are a fair bunch of guys is very nice of you, but you're missing those that clearly aren't. There are posts in this thread that are a clear litany of personal abuse. If you think that's fair then I can't see what more I can do to appeal to staff here.

As to the admins here, it's not a threat, it's something we'll be pursuing as defamation of a company, being openly supported by the admins and staf of a site, as you state in this post is illegal. The title of this thread hasn't been altered despite clear statements that it's false.

I appreciate your advice that I should stay quiet and have some corporate automaton post on behalf of me, but that's not really my style.

Your open support for defamatory posts and multiple other posts that clearly contravene your own posting policy towards us as a company or myself personally won't help your cause.
No Ian i am not missing the guys that are not fair. In fact if you read my post i said some have gone too far. I agree with you that some have gone way overboard here. I am not a mod here in this forum though so it's not down to me to decide what is correct or not. You can report any post you find abusive and they will be looked at and dealt with by the moderator or member of staff in question for this side of the forum.

And please i don't openly support any defamatory posts. I have my opinion on SMS and pCARS but we have been there before haven't we and i'm enjoying other titles right now to be wasting my time in this forum arguing about this game.

I do however care about RD as i race here alot and have done so for a long time. RD have supported all of your titles and will continue to do so with pCARS. I just think a little more respect should be given by you guys to RD and it's community instead of using a few guys who post in here against RD as a whole.

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