Banned from AC forums, anyone have experienced this?

< Mod Edit: Please be advised that it is in breach of RD ToS to use insulting or derogatory terms. Post cleaned.>

Hello all, i'm banned from AC forum for more than one month now. As an active member since the beggining and with more than 1000 messages i feel shocked with that kind of attitude from them. <snip>

Has this happened to anyone? I agree maybe that they should permanently ban you if you were kind of disrespectful or insult anyone, which was not the case. I got banned until now just because people were asking on forum for MP improvements (more than acceptable) and all i've done was quote a message <snip> and used a funny ironic image related to what he was saying THAT WAS CLEARLY A LIE!! From that moment on, as it was admitted by Lord Kunos himself, he went on a ban strike and several people were banned... until now.

Well, maybe i would accept a week suspension because now i know AC forums staff can't accept critics anymore (they're rich now) and became a dictatorial regime that can only be populated by fanboys or "yes" sheeps...

The image was this...

Ray Liotta Laughing In Goodfellas.jpg
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So, can you or the others please explain why, something like what you can see on this video, is almost impossible in Assetto Corsa?

Have you tried with a FWD car from AC? Plus what Blimey said above. And the real life driver might have clipped that banked-slippery curb, and combined with a bit slippery road resulted in what you saw in the video, the right rear wheel lost traction.
Keep in mind that your average mature adult doesn't live at home with his parents, and doesn't spend the majority of his life brooding over his video games not being good enough.
And I am sorry, but so called self appointed 'serious sim racers' that value the color of their car over how close to reality it drives still cracks me up. So glad I got that special kind of stupid out of my life.

MOD-Edit: Mutual respect between the people using the website(s) and forums. Malicious behavior and bullying will not be tolerated. Re-editing mod edits may result in a loss of account privileges.
Have you tried with a FWD car from AC? Plus what Blimey said above. And the real life driver might have clipped that banked-slippery curb, and combined with a bit slippery road resulted in what you saw in the video, the right rear wheel lost traction.

Yeah I did, and also on the lowest grip setting it's almost impossible lose the control of the car "just" for a lift off oversteer over a crest like in the video. Cars are in every moment over predictable.
I doubt your average "mature" person would find it okay to just throw 50 bucks away, unless you're a millionaire.

Yeah it's funny when an MBA is getting lectured by literally who on the internet about how much $50 is worth.

As if the time in which it was spent fixes the fact that the game has only added content for the most part and not features since 1.0
Yeah I did, and also on the lowest grip setting it's almost impossible lose the control of the car "just" for a lift off oversteer over a crest like in the video. Cars are in every moment over predictable.
That was one specific situation, there are other specific situations with different types of cars/tracks.
When you don't control the car well, things like this happen (not my videos, taken from steam forum):

And you can create other situations with a FWD car like the abarth 500 race car, at Brands Hatch, on the several downhill sections. Just because you can't replicate one specific thing in game and in real life, the game shouldn't immediately take the blame.
It's fairly simple.

The guy that took a knock at DewCrew88 for whining about video games on the internet is an Assetto Corsa beta tester with 8,500 forum posts.

Surely the folks offering the most persistent criticism are deeply dispassionate and unbiased - no relevant history in this discussion - nope.

[youtube video]

can't do it in AC - explain that!
You mean like myself right ? Fully rubbered road or else doesn't matter, and any car... Heck, even GT cars.

That Cressida is a drift car with a lot of steering lock, it's made for that. And even so, he avoids the fast corners and only really pushes in the slower ones.

Second video, it's a powerslide and he didn't bomb the corner, not the same thing at all. There's barely any angle in it either and there's enough power to handle it.

Are you gonna try and find "examples" for me to analyse every time the subject pops up or what ?

Well, as I stumbled across this searching for tyre discussions, I should shed some light on this. My name is Fredrik and I drive the blue Cressida. I have read some of your posts so far and you are wrong about quite a few things. First of all, it's not really a drift car. It does have extra lock, but apart from that, the setup is more similar to an 80s Gr5 racecar. It's not actually set up to drift and unless you are agressive, it will understeer. Also, saying that drifting the nordschleife is slow is just ignorant. Many of the corners you see me drift were fourth gear at 150-160kmh. If you want me to drift faster at that track, please buy me a cage. Having said that, I find it easier to drift at higher speeds. It's simple physics really. The higher the speed, the harder it is to make the car change direction, thus making the car way more stable.

Now, there are plenty of issues with simulating tyre behaviour on (and over) the edge , and so far, al sims have their issues. iRacing seems to think that once you go past peak slip, you should violently crash and die. They have been told over and over again that this is actually not how it works. and lately it has become a LOT better.

As for AC, their tyre model seems to struggle a bit with combined slip and aligning moment. Basically, you have to compromise. We have a pretty good tyre going for our Cressida mod, but it's still not perfect. And the v7's are a mess still. Cars are floating all over the place.

Finally, there is one factor that I don't think any of the sims simulate properly, and that is the gyro effect of a spinning wheel. It counteracts the yaw inertia in the car. I don't feel this in any sim at the moment.
As for AC, their tyre model seems to struggle a bit with combined slip and aligning moment. Basically, you have to compromise. We have a pretty good tyre going for our Cressida mod, but it's still not perfect. And the v7's are a mess still. Cars are floating all over the place.

Could you elaborate please on this?

About gyro effect, AC has is for the wheel or you mean something else?

Thanks, great video by the way.
Not really. Just that something is wrong. Haven't looked closely at it yet. Gave up on them pretty fast as it made my car feel extremely loose. Like driving on all terrain tyres :p

Does it have actual gyro effect that increase yaw inertia of the car based on wheel speed though? Or just wheel inertia that affects steering feel?
Does it have actual gyro effect that increase yaw inertia of the car based on wheel speed though? Or just wheel inertia that affects steering feel?
It's gyro "FFB effect" made to help DD and servo wheel oscillations on straights, it has nothing to do with actual gyroscopic forces produced by spinning mass. It has no effect on the car itself, only FFB. Which is a shame really, because it would definitely help / be interesting addition.
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it has nothing to do with actual gyroscopic forces produced by spinning mass.
That's the exact opposite of what the devs said. It's absolutely, 100%, based on the gyroscopic forces of the front wheels. It wouldn't be named that otherwise; there's an entirely separate option that adds pure damping, DAMPER_MIN_LEVEL, which can also be used to remove oscillations.

The only reason it's disabled by default is that it's experimental, meaning (1) they didn't test it on all hardware (2) they're not giving support for it.

It's recommended specifically for DD wheels because, unlike typical consumer wheels, they don't have large amounts of damping forces. On your $100 or $200 wheel, the physical damping due to drivetrain friction, wheel inertia, etc. is already slowing the FFB response as much or more than the gyroscopic forces would.
That's the exact opposite of what the devs said. It's absolutely, 100%, based on the gyroscopic forces of the front wheels. It wouldn't be named that otherwise; there's an entirely separate option that adds pure damping, DAMPER_MIN_LEVEL, which can also be used to remove oscillations.
Was it changed recently? Because i did pretty through testing of it when it first came out and it was 1) running off "damper" wheel effect (so it would be impossible to properly simulate gyro forces on steering), 2) it worked properly when turning "in" but in opposite direction when countersteering. 3) (not sure here) but i had difficulty in feeling the difference between diametrically different wheels inertia wise. 4) It did not produce any forces on the car itself, so it had to be created at FFB output level, not in the physics steps.
All that hints to me that it's a FFB effect addign damping based on wheel angular speed and thats all. No actual gyroscopic calculations.
Is it working differently right now?

edit: Reworded my previous post, as i don't know the exact calculations done for the gyro effect, sorry.
Still, i believe it was just a patch up fix for FFB problems (and it was not correct either), while adding actual gyroscopic forces would (imho) seriously impact the handling of cars like lotus49... (and it's like my most wanted feature in AC atm :p, even if just for the novelty of it).
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Well, as I stumbled across this searching for tyre discussions, I should shed some light on this. My name is Fredrik and I drive the blue Cressida. I have read some of your posts so far and you are wrong about quite a few things. First of all, it's not really a drift car. It does have extra lock, but apart from that, the setup is more similar to an 80s Gr5 racecar. It's not actually set up to drift and unless you are agressive, it will understeer. Also, saying that drifting the nordschleife is slow is just ignorant. Many of the corners you see me drift were fourth gear at 150-160kmh. If you want me to drift faster at that track, please buy me a cage. Having said that, I find it easier to drift at higher speeds. It's simple physics really. The higher the speed, the harder it is to make the car change direction, thus making the car way more stable.

Now, there are plenty of issues with simulating tyre behaviour on (and over) the edge , and so far, al sims have their issues. iRacing seems to think that once you go past peak slip, you should violently crash and die. They have been told over and over again that this is actually not how it works. and lately it has become a LOT better.

As for AC, their tyre model seems to struggle a bit with combined slip and aligning moment. Basically, you have to compromise. We have a pretty good tyre going for our Cressida mod, but it's still not perfect. And the v7's are a mess still. Cars are floating all over the place.

Finally, there is one factor that I don't think any of the sims simulate properly, and that is the gyro effect of a spinning wheel. It counteracts the yaw inertia in the car. I don't feel this in any sim at the moment.
Thanks for the message.

Well, drift cars do understeer a lot unless you're sideways, so there's that ! Looking at the stance of the car and the added lock I think I'm not the only one assuming it's meant to go sideways, but I guess you know better :p

Also, I didn't mean "slow". I meant that the really fast corners you avoid drifting them, and for good reasons. However on AC it's far too easy IMO and yes, I know in the game you can reset, but you don't even have to try even going in there like an absolute hoonigan. You can be extremely lazy and let things happen, that doesn't feel right to me. Even now on 1.5, it maybe even feels easier than before, at least on the road cars. It just doesn't feel right, it's quite hard to explain...

As for iR... It wasn't bad when I started properly back in 2013, at least the cars I drove. Especially now it's far from being too harsh, except immediately after a slide because the tyre model is known to be too temp sensitive. Supposedly that will be fixed soon(tm).

Anyway, didn't mean to insult you, it's just something that's very difficult to put into words, "seat of the pants" feeling and what not.
Not really. Just that something is wrong. Haven't looked closely at it yet. Gave up on them pretty fast as it made my car feel extremely loose. Like driving on all terrain tyres :p

Does it have actual gyro effect that increase yaw inertia of the car based on wheel speed though? Or just wheel inertia that affects steering feel?

Maybe you making the tyres with too much flex?

About gyro : what I understand is a effect, that adds some percentage of damping, increasing as speed builds up.
So it's stimulating forces in steering rack and not on car yaw.
If that's the case, then you also need damping enabled from wheels profiler.
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Also, I didn't mean "slow". I meant that the really fast corners you avoid drifting them, and for good reasons. However on AC it's far too easy IMO and yes, I know in the game you can reset, but you don't even have to try even going in there like an absolute hoonigan. You can be extremely lazy and let things happen, that doesn't feel right to me. Even now on 1.5, it maybe even feels easier than before, at least on the road cars. It just doesn't feel right, it's quite hard to explain...
But you know what you're doing. You know the limits of the car/tyres in use, you know how much the asphalt grip on the track is and how much it can be pushed. You should do an experiment with a real life friend that doesn't know or not much about sim racing, but has at least a driver's license so he knows how to operate a car. And then see if he can do the "crazy easy" things you can do with the car and get away easily.
Near the maximum limits of the car/tyres, you also gain more momentum and better grip or traction than at lower speeds/slower corners.

I was just doing some laps and was thinking about this discussion. Used the Ferrari F40 on Nordschleife on a Green track and moderate conditions, Street tyres and default setup. Unfortunately I ended after 3rd lap cause fuel was gone, with 30l at start.

But what I experienced was progressive give-in of the tyres. On the 3rd and last lap I did a better lap time but I had a bit less grip when accelerating, cornering, and braking for the next corner. And in this lap was where I had several moments of see-saw steering, searching for grip and less confidence pushing. In the first two laps the steering was more steady, so I could push into corners, until a certain point of course. But while on the 3rd lap I was never sure so I had several moments of braking or coasting and at the same time steering left and right to find grip.

But still in real life I think I wouldn't dare doing things I do in sim racing games, but that's natural. You will always be more concerned of everything, even if under driving the car. But in sims you always aim for that limit and someone having years of experience helps a lot to have confidence and handle the car. And that experience gives you good judgement of keeping the car on track, especially with the counter steering and pedals work.

I hope one day we get your custom car in game @fsr :)
What's the closest car to this one from official content, the ford escort rs1600? Except that is running Slicks in game.


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