Banned from AC forums, anyone have experienced this?

< Mod Edit: Please be advised that it is in breach of RD ToS to use insulting or derogatory terms. Post cleaned.>

Hello all, i'm banned from AC forum for more than one month now. As an active member since the beggining and with more than 1000 messages i feel shocked with that kind of attitude from them. <snip>

Has this happened to anyone? I agree maybe that they should permanently ban you if you were kind of disrespectful or insult anyone, which was not the case. I got banned until now just because people were asking on forum for MP improvements (more than acceptable) and all i've done was quote a message <snip> and used a funny ironic image related to what he was saying THAT WAS CLEARLY A LIE!! From that moment on, as it was admitted by Lord Kunos himself, he went on a ban strike and several people were banned... until now.

Well, maybe i would accept a week suspension because now i know AC forums staff can't accept critics anymore (they're rich now) and became a dictatorial regime that can only be populated by fanboys or "yes" sheeps...

The image was this...

Ray Liotta Laughing In Goodfellas.jpg
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Oh yea I can shoo you and the "facts" as well. (this sentence was said with a calm tone). So far all you've demonstrated is that you wanted Peter Pan land but instead you got Plant Earth as it was advertised. inb4 they sue AC for not laserscanning Plant Earth.
I'm dissapointed in you, you're too happy with the smallest things in life.
Maybe you should apply that image to what you said some pages ago:

You never explained which false advertising, but please show something more objective, and not what you expected of the game, versus what you got and what they promised.
I didn't have to. People pointed all after that comment. And after your comment above it was just too funny. Man if people could be more honest about the stuff they like would be so nice, no need to defend it to death bro, you'll get nothing from this it's just a game :D
I just don't think some people here are being realistic. AC is how it is, and I'm not defending here anyone, because I'll I'm writing is about what points they promised and what points we got. Truth be told, we received all that in 1.0, one year ago.
Why did you expect rolling starts, safety car, rain, night, snow, pre-set pitstops, AI in multiplayer, car tuning, car painting, real motorsport race regulations and penalties, etc. and etc.? I know why you expected all that, because you are basing your expectations in preconceived ideas of what you saw in past (sim) racing games, and all games onward should have all that plus new things.

Why am I the mad one for seeing how AC is and what AC was promised to be according to what Kunos said it was going to be?

Should I be mad at iracing for not including road cars (normal, super, hyper cars); after all is a racing game and all racing games should have diversified genres of cars in them?
Iracing never said there were going to be such cars, should I be mad at them for not specifying that point?
We all know the obvious answer to that...

Let me give you another hypothesis, if for example sim racing game X that was released in 2006 had all that a sim racing game should have, why didn't everyone, players and devs, stayed on that game and no more sim racing games should have been developed since 2006. Would that be a good thing?
Why did you buy AC if game X some years ago already had everything in a sim? Why did you move on from that? If all sims in 2015 should be copy paste from sims released in 2005, why even buy this game in 2015? After all you realize that AC did some things better and those things that didn't do better are not sufficient to remain with the 2005 sim?
Should I be mad at iracing for not including road cars (normal, super, hyper cars); after all is a racing game and all racing games should have diversified genres of cars in them?
Iracing never said there were going to be such cars, should I be mad at them for not specifying that point?
We all know the obvious answer to that...

Let me give you another hypothesis, if for example sim racing game X that was released in 2006 had all that a sim racing game should have, why didn't everyone, players and devs, stayed on that game and no more sim racing games should have been developed since 2006. Would that be a good thing?
Why did you buy AC if game X some years ago already had everything in a sim? Why did you move on from that? If all sims in 2015 should be copy paste from sims released in 2005, why even buy this game in 2015? After all you realize that AC did some things better and those things that didn't do better are not sufficient to remain with the 2005 sim?
Well, iRacing is a racing game, you drive race cars around race circuits, its not a traffic simulator where you drive road cars.

I bought AC because it has modern graphics and improved physics, I didn't expect everything else to be a scam, since it was still in early-access a lot more was expected to come. When they said "releasing version 1.0 - meaning it's out of early-access!!! wohoo" I didn't expect a punch in the face saying, well the game is still the same and will be probably for another 2 years with extra content that we licensed a while back, then we'll start with a 2nd game, once Project Cars 2 has been released.
The only thing more words are doing is making it more ridiculous. As I said: it's just a game, no need to be mad or take it seriously. As a sim that said would do like nobody else ever done it's a flawed product, deal with it. :)
Well, iRacing is a racing game, you drive race cars around race circuits, its not a traffic simulator where you drive road cars.
>Implying people don't race road cars in real life.

I bought AC because it has modern graphics and improved physics, I didn't expect everything else to be a scam, since it was still in early-access a lot more was expected to come.
You didn't read the steam store page before buying the game? So you expected more than it was written there?

The only thing more words are doing is making it more ridiculous. As I said: it's just a game, no need to be mad or take it seriously. As a sim that said would do like nobody else ever done it's a flawed product, deal with it. :)
Oh yea, of course it is a flawed product. In fact many many games are, in diverse genres. But it seems that "dealing with it" is affecting you much more than me.
This whole "us versus them" mentality is pretty much destroying the sim racing community. It's a small enough niche as it is let alone being divided every 10 seconds by fanboys and haters. If there's one thing that these next-gen games have done it's intensify the arguments and divide the communities even more. It's ridiculous.

Want to play Multiplayer but don't like AC's MP? Then play rF2 or GSCE.
Don't like the graphics of GSCE or rF2? Then give AC or pCARS a shot.
Want some historic fun? Heck break out the rF1 HistorX mod!

There's no reason to limit yourself to just one sim simply because you feel you have some allegiance to it. You're not betraying anything or anyone by simply playing a different game.
>Implying people don't race road cars in real life.
Wait, so its totally safe for people to race their cars on the streets and highways? thanks video games, you made me a future street racer. But on a more serious note, I bought GTR2 because it was a racing sim at the time and I was thankful for no dern road cars, I bought Colin McRae games to race rally cars on rally stages and dern sure there were no road cars which I was also thankful for.

Now when you see a "racing simulator" in the game title or description, I honestly don't expect almost 800% more road cars than race cars in a "racing simulator".
Nah, don't worry.
I just posted my opinion about their propaganda and you started it all for no reason. ;)
"Opinion"? You stated that they were actually doing it, that can't be classified as opinion. So all I did was oppose to your statements.

Wait, so its totally safe for people to race their cars on the streets and highways?
People race road cars on race tracks. Other times they do track days with them, but also race in an amateur competition.

Now when you see a "racing simulator" in the game title or description, I honestly don't expect almost 800% more road cars than race cars in a "racing simulator".
The game is balanced between amount of road and race cars. Don't start with exaggerations in attempt to make a point.
You don't have to touch the road cars at all, but have you raced all the race cars so far? Or people don't actually want any race cars, but want specific race cars? We have a great race car in the game, mclaren f1 gtr, but who is racing it?
Still surprising that they have not added 1st gear before start/clutch starts to this game at the late development stage. It's fundamental, totally didn't expect it to be missing and it's a huge deal really.
Not sure if it was ever promised to be part of the game though, they obviously have a major problem with it.
Yeah, from what they've said about it on streams etc, it was a source of trouble in netkar compared to games like Forza, it was making people give up without ever managing to race. Like they said (and then got twisted of course) 90% of potential customers know absolutely nothing about how racing actually works and aren't interested in learning, they just want to hit 'drive' and be able to race immediately. If they can't work it out, the game's a failure, it doesn't matter how good the driving model is when someone can't even try it.
That's fine, but you shouldn't use the argument you just used to make your point, because it makes you sound petty and out of touch with what matters to most people in a sim racing game.

Sim racing: Simulating Racing

We could start by simulating real racing rules, changing paints, having actual pitstops, being able to map buttons to a wheel and preselect pit options. These are features that pre-date rFactor 1.

AC is a great driving simulator, but I cant drive by myself all the time.
Sim racing: Simulating Racing

We could start by simulating real racing rules, changing paints, having actual pitstops, being able to map buttons to a wheel and preselect pit options. These are features that pre-date rFactor 1.

AC is a great driving simulator, but I cant drive by myself all the time.

Yes, and I agree with you that some aspects of sim racing that are at this point common among the top sim racing games should be a focus for a sim racing game. However, that's not a requirement, nor should it be expected of them because it's their prerogative as to how they develop their game. Again, you're basing this all on one slogan that doesn't guarantee anything from the game.

This is the problem with sim racing, and games in general at this point. Consumers have stupidly, ridiculously high expectations of the games and get upset when games don't meet those expectations. Chris Stacey is right, we as a community seriously need to stop arguing over petty useless things like a sim missing features but it's not the fault of the developers of these games, but people who have expectations of them and who when they aren't met behave as though they're owed something simply because they paid for a game.

What seriously needs to happen is people bring their expectations into line and stop ostracizing a game when they don't meet ridiculous expectations that the developers never agreed to. This whole generation of gamers is becoming entitled because of how games are being developed with their input now and instead of accepting that a game just isn't designed how they want they'd prefer to bitch and moan rather than go enjoy another game that gives them what they want. It's becoming more and more prominent with early access, kickstarters and so on, and people need to stop thinking that they're owed something by these developers as though their livelihood is being destroyed.
The lack of real racing rules does frustrate me sometimes. Disobeying flag rules have literally zero consequences unless you get a black flag for cutting. You can ignore blue and yellow flags until the cows come home and you won't get a penalty.

The first gear selection before the lights go out is not a massive issue to me personally, however it would be nice to have false starts, but they would obviously need to be accompanied with a penalty.

I was saying this a while back that whenever someone suggests a perfectly valid method for a penalty system, others will jump in and shoot it down because someone could exploit it on the last corner of the last lap or something rare like that. And then the notion of a penalty system is forgotten because of some unlikely and convoluted scenario that occurs in like <1% of races.

Having a penalty system of some sort is better than nothing, surely?

Having said that, all games have their flaws. rFactor 2 for example has an issue where you're likely to be disconnected during driver swaps in race mode, so all endurance races need to take place in practice sessions. No sim is free of flaws.
So developers nowadays are super lazy when it comes to actually making a 10/10 game.

Is not a matter of being lazy. Is a matter of what a software company is capable to achieve based on a defined budget in a restricted time line. Is a matter of being realistic. I personally do not remember what much was promised by Kunos to deliver on the first version of Assetto Corsa, but I think they even provide a bit more content than original planned. Yes, maybe there was some functionality without the expected quality. But even that, a considerable amount of patches and versions have been deployed to improve the weak aspects of the software; instead of saying "thats it for version 1.0", you now will wait and will pay for version 2.0.

If you compare that with other "sim/driving racing" offers on the market, in my opinion Kunos has done a fair job. Just look at how much was promised by similar alternatives and see the current state of it.

As said before, some people have a miss alignment on their expectations to what Kunos
initially defined "in scope" in terms of functionallity.

It is a reality that the software industry, and particulary the game industry, has changed on the last years. We may see some software that we can say is not 100% complete, but we are able to get/try/test it much sooner than before, like those early access releases. All these new dynamics I think are OK. Another example are the DLC packs, which are a handy source of new income for the developers by adding content to the same core base product and not a new full version you will need to buy at a much more expensive price. DLC packs has cost me about the same as a Carl's Junior burger (no combo).

In my case Assetto Corsa has satisfied what is for me the most important aspect of a sim-racing, the driving experience. All the remain functionality may not be the best, but I can live with it. Probably I do not ask for too much but oh boy how much fun I have had with AC. Particulary with 1.4 and the latest DLC.
What seriously needs to happen is people bring their expectations into line and stop ostracizing a game when they don't meet ridiculous expectations that the developers never agreed to. This whole generation of gamers is becoming entitled because of how games are being developed with their input now and instead of accepting that a game just isn't designed how they want they'd prefer to bitch and moan rather than go enjoy another game that gives them what they want. It's becoming more and more prominent with early access, kickstarters and so on, and people need to stop thinking that they're owed something by these developers as though their livelihood is being destroyed.

There is no way to sugar coat this but you are wrong. I dont care if the game is free or $1000 like iRacing but basic features that were in games in the early 2000's should be expected. It's not entitlement. You are owed that when you purchase something. If I buy a loaf of bread I expect the whole loaf, not the ends and the plastic wraping.

This game is going to be a laughing stock when it comes out on console. How will you explain to Forza users who are experienced in painting their cars with blocks and shapes that you cannot even pick a paint job online in AC? How will you explain that you cannot make pitstops unless you fumble with a mouse, will pit stops even be possible?

Early Access and supporting small devs is gaming's greatest achievement and it's biggest flaw. Many games that wouldn't have seen the light of day now do. However early access has normalized perpetually unfinished products. Couple that with the fact that every game's fan base has this innate ability to spiral into stockholm syndrome with their dev of choice we further fuel the cycle.

I am not asking for a date with a super model, I am asking that my $50 sim + $10 DLC (only bought first DP) forges progress. Not regression. This is not limited to sim racing but all genres of gaming.
I don't dislike you, Will, but what Luca said wasn't're rather impolite on some occasions and tend to post antagonistic/pointless things that don't move the discussion along any further...the ban wasn't as completely unwarranted as you make it seem.

"Maybe you need to stop driving ****boxes."
"Erm... No. Still not how it works."
"Since when is 185kph fast ?"
"Gallardo's interior, really guys ? Is that the best you can do ? Way to pump out content without finishing it, and here I thought you pride yourself in having "the best car models" around." (partially justified, but there were so many other ways you could have put it - particularly bad as you're insulting the devs in their own house essentially)
"Considering serious racing is borderline pointless, I'd say street cars are pretty important. They're the only reason I personally still play the game at least." (once again, last point from up there^)
"Serious racing is pointless here so I prefer having fun driving messy cars for fun than the usual GT cars... Which I race properly elsewhere anyway." (and again)
"Erm... No. Still terrible. Maybe iRacing spoiled me because what has to do with racing there is actually good." (and again)
To be fair, taking quotes out of a context will always make things look far worse than it really is.

First three were on a thread where people thought it was impossible to lock up over 100kph in real life, so there I was defending the game... Since you know, cars don't have drum brakes anymore. Moreover, the creator of the thread went on saying that "most users are kids who don't even own a car" and that "he could never lock up over 100kph in every cars he owned". Ok then, lol...

About the Gallardo, it was just way too frustrating, considering that Kunos pulled the same thing with the GTR for example, barely modelling any details (infos) on the dashboard screen and having paper gauges, despite bragging about their car models. But hey, moar content !

And the online, well, just stating my opinion about it, as the threads were about. And I'm not wrong so you know... If they want to ban people for saying that the online (features) sucks then go for it I guess.

Anyway, just making my opinions clear, of course I could be nicer but It's quite hard to do when there's 10 fan boys defending everything as soon as you critic something. Plus French Canadian genes prevent me to be nicer than a certain percentage :D

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