Best Online Sim Racing game?

In terms of how people have voted with their feet and their wallets the answer has to be iRacing. If you live in Europe, have a good PC and are happy to limit your racing to GT3 & 4, ACC offers a much cheaper alternative. It doesn't have iRacing's structure of scheduled races for all abilities but there are pickup races available until you have boosted your ratings high enough to join the Competition servers.

Raceroom has started offering an iRacing type service so that might appeal if iRacing or ACC don't. Its not as popular as these two but RaceRoom netcode has a good reputation.

But people do have fun racing on-line in AC, PC2, AMS and Rf2 as well so don't rule them out. Its just they do not offer a matchmaking service which makes online racing more pot luck unless you join a league.
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