I prefer the Valve Index over the HP Reverb because of the ease of use and the much better overall clarity.
My HP reverb was the V1 version, but as far as i know the V2 version only has a different cable to combat the disconnects.
My main issues with the HP Reverb were:
- Uncomfortable at the nose section ( there's a sharp edge that rubs against my nose)
- Big heavy cable and connector. The cable is so heavy that it can pull of the HMD just because of its weight
- Bad colour gama (over bright)
- Last but not least : Windows Mixed reality
When i got the Valve Index all those issues were solved immediately. Turns out that HMD resolution only is not the deciding factor for me
As far as the GS-5 goes. If it's in your budget
buy it
You will not regret it, the GS-5 is an awesome addition to any (motion)rig.
Currently there are no good DIY versions available unless you are super skilled. In the end with a Kirkey seat and lots of special manufactured parts + 4 high-end servos you will be very close to the GS-5 price point when it's finished.
Then there's also the optical side of things. I have seen some (very) good DIY versions of the GS-4/5 but they never look as good or are as compact as the GS-5. I have to give SimXperience kudos how the managed to do that.