Better exposure for BTB tracks - Feedback needed

Bram Hengeveld

Website Founder
Hi all,

I am breaking my brains on the question how we can promote scratchbuild tracks made with BTB better on this community.

We have a nice place to upload/download all the content but somehow i get the feeling its been overlooked by the majority of the visitors, when you compare the numbers to other converted tracks in the game databases.

If you have the golden tip to get your scratchbuild tracks more in the spotlight please let us know so we can help out improving things!

We love to have this forum here with all the artistic minds working together but I am sure we can make it much better.

  • Andrew Evans

i would say, lump all the btb tracks in with the rest of the tracks on the d/l server... i had no idea we had a separate section just for btb and, when i finally found it, i realised why i couldn't find vitus gp under evo.... they're totally under-exposed in their own section...
What about a latest track upload link on the left hand side,it could be flashing or something to get your attention,this could have the latest top five say.

I think that a top 5 would be not a good idea, even when i know that there is a huge difference in quality between "top-designers" and the lesser gods.
Maybe a page like the GPL track database would be an idea.
How about a "Made with BTB" watermark or some such thing for preview pictures on a non-BTB exclusive track page?

Track makers could always include a logo/note on splash screens etc. too. It all depends whether they want to I suppose!

Little improvent on the homepage where the latest downloads are now displayed.

One important question to you all. Does anybody have objection if we merge the BTB download databases into the excisting game databases? I absolutely agree with what Andrew posted that people seem to overlook all those beautiful tracks at the moment.
I've got no problem with the merge but think it would be good if we could keep tracks that are in beta in a seperate area.
It would also be good to improve the voting thing a bit so that you could see on the main page how good a track is.
It seems that the current voting system doesn't really get used much.
May be it is not what you are asking for but:

1) Create a separate section called "Watch BTB tracks' videos" where moderators put the videos they choose of the tracks that are dowloadable, playable and almost finished (may be not in a final state but near that).

Keep the thread small, so it is possible for the users to easily detect new tracks/videos.

Watching a video is quick, easy, and gives a lot of information about the tracks available and if they are interesting.

2) Ask people to create and upload videos to youtube (with a link to the forum) and create a thread for sharing the links. From these links moderators can choose the most interesting videos (or may be a users' voting system is less time-consuming). A lot of people look for track videos on youtube, so profiting its search engine would give the tracks more visibility.

Sorry for the brain-storming...
One thing i believe could attract more guys into becoming active
xpack and BTB track builders is having a (sub)section -devoted-
to education in regards of learning the difficult for many tech aspects.

However it does seems a bit pointless having such a section without
having skilled instructers, willing to produce easy-going tutorials etc.

The (tech) easier & less time consuming matters in question
are via education etc, the more will invest in BTB and become
productive members of the community.

This above combined with a fair bit better external PR,
will allow -everybody- to have access of the good news.


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