@Keith Joyce I would recommend, if you are interested, joining up to the RaceDepartment
Premium membership (also allows you access to any other sim hosted on RD and any Leagues we run) and coming along to the club events we hold here on a daily basis.
Club racing is a friendly non competitive online racing option that is organised here at RD. I understand you are just at the beginning of your online experience, and I feel club racing would be an ideal starting place where you can race with good, clean, fair racers who are more then happy to help you with your driving, setting up your car and general questions about the game and the art of racing online in this sim.
It might sound all a bit intimidating at first (took me 6 years to pluck up some courage to 'go premium') but I can honestly say these guys are a great bunch of friendly blokes how will be more than happy to help you get 'up to speed'
Problem with open lobbies is you are very much leaving it to chance regarding who's on at any one time... here you will find good racing at many different skill levels, with no emphasis on times and competitiveness... its just about fun and building up your experience..!
Have a think about it fella... its well worth a look (I like it that much I organise the races now!!