Wanted Black 8020 Cuttings (UK)

Mr Latte

Seeking some cuttings to help make a testbed for comparing different tactile and isolators. What is the most commonly used size profiles for rigs like Simlabs. use?

Can anyone help?
UK or Ireland to reduce postage.
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Depends really on where on the frame you want to simulate adding them.

Some elements are 20/20 for instance the seat mount is typically a 20/20 attached to an 80/20.
My rig I used 4040 for seat and steering supports, 4080 for the uprights, sides of the frame and internals that hold it all together.

I read that 4040 and 4080 since they are thicker are less likely to bend or flex so that's why I used that for my rig.
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The simlab GT1 is mostly 80x40 and then 40x40 for the seat holders. I have seen some DIY rigs that use 20x20 for the frame and other elements on this forum but I think most where designed before the current crop of commercial rigs.
Guys I wasnt sure on the sizes/numbers.

Just looking to use something similar to what Simlabs use or if anyone even knows of somewhere that offers a cuit to size service for alu profile.
Not used them personally but I've heard good things about these guys...

As stated above, SImlabs uses 80x40 for the main structure on their cheaper rigs and 160x40 for their premium offerings.

Personally, I built my own using 8040. Wasn't sure of the sizes I'd need and knew I'd be adding more bits later so bought a cheap mitre saw...

...which cuts through the 8040 easy enough.