Blurred tyres with 2018 VASC mod

Hi hoping for some help here.
When all my cars rotate to showroom and on track it switches between blurred and not blurred Dunlop tyres. I have placed the files in the following directory

Thanks in advance


  • blurred.PNG
    185.9 KB · Views: 320
  • notblurred.PNG
    197.1 KB · Views: 338
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Same issue here, to me not worth the fix.

Holden ZB interior is a bit substandard to AMS version, red rev lights don't work and can't see the other one's because the steering hide them.

Hopefully in the next version quality of interior will look better and lights are solved.

The skins from v8scorsa (RNR) are superb quality, just need to be downsized for AMS (standard size) to run smoothly if you want a full grid.

Page edit: wouldn't bother with RSS's Nascar, just tried it, basically undriveable and lcd does not work at all. Find it a bit strange to release anything like this. Interior is also below par.

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Tried a new SRPL_ENVMAP01 shader for the body material and I must say that the model looks really nice on track, well done for that.

Also added a new plastic texture with cockpit shader and looks much better.

Just the little extras in the cockpit look very plastic, there's no texture which really spoils the look.

Rev lights are still a issue as you can't see them because of the steering wheel and the lcd red revs don't seem to work.

If they could make the inside work and look as good as the outside this would be a favorite of mine. Always liked the SuperV8's, they race well in AMS.
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@buzzhornet Just tried this and does work.

Back up your RSS Hold gen files first

You can use the Nissan's two gen files for this.

1. One is the spinner, open it and scroll to the bottom:

Find this: Instance=WHEEL

Copy all the text from there to the bottom and replace the RSS's Holden spinner file text.

Holden text will also be located at the bottom.

2. Open the Nissan's other gen file.

Find this: // Tires and spindles

Copy all the text from here to Projector=Headlight:


Do not copy the text after this ( Projector=Headlight )

Once you have this you would have to extract the Nissan tire related gmt files to the Holden, it will also ask when trying to load the car for the NISSANV8_HGLO00+01 textures which you will also have to extract from the Nissan texture mas file.

When all this is done you can copy the three tire texture into the Holden file and you will be good to go.

If this is a bit complicated, let me know so that I can upload a link for you with ready to race files.


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Thanks so much, and yes your right about the ZB which is a shame, hopefully further updates will come along and improve it. I got lost with your fix, I'll send you a PM for a direct link.
Thanks again appreciate your help.
I'm posting the link here, don't think it would cause a problem as you would still need the HoldenC_ZB mod for the update to work.

This fixes the tire issues, also has a new plastic texture for the interior dash/steering wheel grip, new body shader and the new Dunlop tires I just uploaded.

Just copy the new content into the HoldenC_ZB_18Teams folder and allow to overwrite where needed.

There's also a new cam file (SuperV8ZB_cams) but you will have to edit your own skins vehicle files to match.


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Hi, I have another problem with the tyre texture : With your patch i can have the textures for the Holden Zb but not the nissan and ford. I tried to put in every folder.

But it does work with another liveries pack (i downloaded before on a russian website)... Can you explain me how i can fix it with the vasc liveries pack ? Thanks
Hi, I have another problem with the tyre texture : With your patch i can have the textures for the Holden Zb but not the nissan and ford. I tried to put in every folder.

But it does work with another liveries pack (i downloaded before on a russian website)... Can you explain me how i can fix it with the vasc liveries pack ? Thanks
Has being explained on the main page for the tires in the AMS download section.

Check the main page or the support section.
Is there a ZB for ams? :O_o:

This thread is only about the ZB, strange that you would still ask the question.

The mod is by RSS and can be downloaded from their site, there is a fix here to sort out the tire blur if you want to add the Dunlop tires.

There's also a new body shader and texture update in the download.

You will have to have the ZB car first before installing the new tires and just follow the instructions on this page.

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