F1 22 Blurry VR

F1 22 the official Formula 1 Game

Cote Dazur

SIM Addict
I have looked at all the threads about VR in the F 22 forum, but have not found one addressing the blurry VR.
  1. Either it is just me, highly unlikely!
  2. No one use VR in F22 as it is so bad, that would be sad.
  3. You have all found a solution.
I hope it is the last point, what is the best way to have non blurry VR in F 22?
Not looking for perfection, just better will already a huge step up for me.
Ditto... I for one prefer sharper more jagged images over the softer blurry look provide by the other graphic options
Agreed, the blurry image creates a lot of strain on my eyes. I can't wait for the tech to be such that of monitor quality. That is a few years out though.