Which is a nice shortcut to stop ai cars slipping off on certain corners.
My guess when i read this is you bump up the dry and wet aigrip level of the track.
Well yeah it works but one little drawback of gtr2's Ai
When Ai got same or more grip level as human drivers they also reach higher top end speeds you as a human driver with the same setup never can reach.
Before i get too technical.
Let me explain something about gtr2 and how the program works.
Gtr2 is a calculator nothing more nothing less. Its what you put in that counts.
It have its data stored in these files :
Plr hdc trk aiw grb gbd tyr sup eng etc.
It takes all of the numbers it needs out of every file and makes his calculation on it.
Some command lines in the plr file are overwritten by commandlines in hdc like how much brake force or corner speed etc ai can use.
So if you are working on changing some lines for example in the plr file it could be overwritten by the hdc
Or vice versa
Now getting technical
When ai cant drive a lap at some tracks and some corners on that track its because the numbers are wrong so gtr2 makes a wrong calculation
Too much downforce at some tracks would make ai drive the wrong way at some corners. They think with the numbers out of the hdc's default setup or out of the svm track related setup file it could make the corner with those calculations
But it cant. Even ai cant.
Like human drivers.
Ai needs a good setup not only to be fast but also to get around every corner.
You would thing well if they cant make it around the corner the problem is probably too low on grip.
But when you would lower ai's down force level instead giving it more you would be supriced.
But also too low on down force would result in the same outcome
So its a fine line between a good setup and a bad one for Ai
Dont forget ai dont drive by feeling and human input, they drive by the numbers in all of those files and probably many more i forgot to write down.
So if one of the numbers are way off
It results in having bad ai behavour
The easiest fix but it takes time is to make good setups for your ai driven cars.
Even giving ai more turn ratio can result in faster ai
Look in the vanilla cars and for good learning take one of the cars out of the gt folder and my favorite is the ferrari f550 .
Open up you car's hdc file and scroll down to the section suppension or front and rear wing (thats your cars default setup also ai cars use)
And open up the files named monza.svm and barcelona.svm and other tracks and scroll down to the same sections and compair what simbim changed for every track
Most times its gearing, turn ratio, downforce level. Sometimes camber
Suppension also sometimes ride height. For spa they use the default setup.
Bumping up ai grip level would be the last resort.
I allways start with 0.10 below human drivers grip level
Why this is because 0.10 less makes there top speed the same as human drivers,
Yess they have 0.10 less grip around corners but they you can counter with a good setup and a proper talent file.
High and low corner speed Multiply
Command lines within the talent file are very importent.
Also in the same file there is a line
Coldbrainracetime and skill
Coldbrainqualtime and skill
Skill is most times set at 0.92 or higher or lower but not 1.00
And time is most times set at 90 or 120 sec
So when quali or race starts it means for 90 or 120 second
Ai drivers are 92% of all the values within the talent file
After 90 or 120 second then they wake up to 0.99 or 1.00 of all the values within the talent file
So if 100% is for example on the high corner speed 1.60
For 90 seconds at the beginning of a race or quali they only use 92 % of the value 1.60
There could be lot of reasons why ai cars cant make it around the corner
But never forget gtr2 is one big calculator and if you put the wrong numbers in it you get a bad result
Put the perfect values in it and you get a really good result.