Simdriver for Singularity Racing
I just finished reading "Tune to win" by Carroll Smith and while it helped me to understand better the dynamics of a racing car, it left me with some questions about some topics. From what i understood, each tire has its graph with grip/tire load. The grip on the outside tire should increase thanks to the weight transfer during a turn, but too much weight will have the opposite effect, reducing grip due to the slip angle getting too big. Based on this, i suppose that reducing the weight transfer should help, since the inside tire will have more load, being able to get more grip and the outside tire less, developing less slip angle at the same speed as before. Am i correct?
If so, my thought was to play with springs and ARB. Is there a way to know approssimatively the correct value to get more grip?
If so, my thought was to play with springs and ARB. Is there a way to know approssimatively the correct value to get more grip?