So in January I decided to force myself to take a break from sim racing and VR so I could tackle my Steam back catalog of non racing games and rest my eyes. Well I have been starving for some racing action and this weekend and all next week is dedicated to the resurrection (any progress I made on back catalog was cancelled out with recent sale :/ ).
I have this sick feeling when I plug it all in and boot up its gonna end up being a day making it all happen again. So has much changed? I have seen some auto updates of RRE and Steam VR. I know I will have to update Occulus home. A brief glance this evening at Sector 3 forums I saw that there are new launch options? Such as launch in VR 64bit? I can't even recall if that was already in place in Jan. Does that negate the original launch options we had to type in to launch in VR? Any quick advice is much appreciated.
I am running a 1080TI, i5 7600K OC, 16gb ram and Occulus.
Thanks again!
I have this sick feeling when I plug it all in and boot up its gonna end up being a day making it all happen again. So has much changed? I have seen some auto updates of RRE and Steam VR. I know I will have to update Occulus home. A brief glance this evening at Sector 3 forums I saw that there are new launch options? Such as launch in VR 64bit? I can't even recall if that was already in place in Jan. Does that negate the original launch options we had to type in to launch in VR? Any quick advice is much appreciated.
I am running a 1080TI, i5 7600K OC, 16gb ram and Occulus.
Thanks again!