BTB doesn't open Win 7 64 Basic


Just purchased BTB pro :D

Does anyone have any idea why it won't open? I have just installed it on win 7 basic 64. I got my licence file and put it in the BTB root folder and patched with BTB It wouldn't work with or

I tried with Admin rights and compatibility mode. It just thinks for a second and nothing opens.

Was I supposed to used the actual machine name as the licence name? My machine name is "Home" but I used the name "Home User" in the licence creation.. Hope that isn't an issue.. It was late >__<

I would really appreciate any ideas! Thanks in advance! :)

THANK YOU!!! It opened :D The .net wouldn't install, as it said it was part of the operating system, but installing DX9 did the trick!

You are my hero Erwin ^____^ this has been bugging me all day at work. I just burned my stew while I was sorting this out though! lol.. Pizza it is then! :p

Thanks again!