Build Report: Tactile Immersion in Motion

I'd just built what seemed to me the perfect immersive racing platform. What had started off as a modest attempt to dust off an old hobby had turned into something of an obsession -- messy, mismatched, and ridiculously inadequate at first, but now finally coming together.

After years of disuse, I'd pulled an old Thrustmaster wheelstand, wheel base, and pedal set out of the basement, plopped it down in front of a large screen television, sat myself in a comfy chair and gone racing.


I'd had an on-again-off-again interest in SIM racing since the early nineties, culminating in the release of GP Legends, which I'd played with a wheel bolted to my computer desk. That's about as far as I'd gotten in terms of hardware. But even I could recognize that this whole setup left a lot to be desired. It was of course annoying to have the stand slide out from under my feet under even light braking, to have only minimum feedback from the wheel and no resistance from the pedals, and to endure the 60Hz television refresh rate. I was having fun, but wanted more. So I started out on a project that I thought had reached its pinnacle before this thread even starts.


Over the course of the next four of five months, I took a jagged path through a stand just rigid enough to support a direct drive wheel, a better chair that still had to be strapped to the stand once I added a hydraulic brake pedal, eventually forcing a decision to build an 80/20 cockpit, install a proper racing seat, add a motion platform, belt myself in, and put on a VR headset. It was everything I had imagined it could possibly be and was responding beautifully to my efforts to dial it in.


Then, on a whim, I decided to try out one of those Buttkicker Gamer2 packages. I honestly thought it was a gimmick and didn't expect it to add much to the immersive experience. Even so, despite my already low expectations, I found it singularly unimpressive. Almost every other step I'd taken in this process had not only shown promise, but delivered a substantially improved experience. This thing just did nothing for me at all. I sent it back almost immediately.

Still, the idea of adding tactile stimuli made sense to me. Although that specific product in that particular configuration on my individual platform had not delivered, I couldn't stop turning over in my head that it could be done right and in a way that wouldn't just add a bit of rumbling noise, but would complement the immersive experience of motion and VR. I soon discovered the exhaustive tactile immersion tread and began a correspondence with @Mr Latte that has transformed my thinking about what it should be possible to achieve. Without his guidance, I'm sure I would have given up on this idea.

This thread will chronicle my efforts integrating tactile stimuli on my platform. It may take me a while to cover everything, but here's the plan: After describing my starting point and some of its idiosyncrasies, I'll outline my objectives, general philosophy, specific hardware choices, challenges I've faced and solutions discovered for isolating the 80/20 frame and motion platform while conducting stimuli to the body, explore a few dead ends that haven't worked for me but may be instructive for others, and finally look at software configuration and tuning, which I've only just begun to explore.

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That thing is the god of shifters, looks the dogs bollox :D

It feels pretty darn good. FYI, the heavy weighted knob pairs very well with this shifter and it does make the linkages feel a bit smoother and more realistic. I like the shape of the Raceseng Contour quite a bit too.
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Looks like there is a hole missing on the lower right side based on your drawing with 3 instead of 4 holes, but looks like you will have something very cool looking when you are done!

I decided to go with one less hole. The six holes along the bottom are a departure from the real car, but I thought I’d put in a few inconspicuous flat black buttons to avoid having to reach for the keyboard.

I’m still waiting for the wheel and a few gauges, but couldn’t resist fitting together what I have so far.

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Progress continues on the cockpit. The wheel arrived this morning from Jacob Engineering in the UK. It is an absolutely beautiful and accurate replica of the original Lotus 49 wheel. I could not be more pleased. I’m still waiting for the oil pressure and temp gauges, which should arrive later this week. Then I just need to paint the dash and add the profile sections that stand it off from the wheel deck, and wire up all the gauges and switches.
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I haven't been getting notifications about your build for a while and I come back to this! Really impressive and stylish. The custom dash, wheel and shifter all compliment each other. It's looking great and so refreshing to see such a unique build. What are your future plans with the build?

The Jacob Engineering website is pretty cool. Wish I drove older cars more often so I could justify another wheel :/
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UPDATE 2020.10.9: Christiano got back to me right away with the suggestion that the software would compensate for the inverted sequence if I enter the correct values for each of the 0%, %25, %50, %75, and 100% positions. I thought I'd tried that last night without success, but I must have screwed something up. Trying again this morning with fresh eyes and the confidence of his guidance, everything worked perfectly. The Pro-Gauge controller and SimDash software is really an amazing tool. Trying to build this up from scratch with SimHub and Arduino would have been extremely difficult, for me at least.

I wired up the gauges tonight using the Sym Projects Pro-Gauge controller and software, which is all very straightforward. The tachometer and temperature gauges were easy to configure and work fine in iRacing. But the oil and fuel pressure gauges are more troublesome. I believe they are resistance driven and seem to expect sensor output that is inverted from what they are getting from what the Sym Projects software is sending. When output values go up, gauge readings go down. This would be fine if the software had an option to simply invert the output. Compensating in hardware is not something I consider feasible. Nor is swapping out compatible but inauthentic gauges. So I’m hoping for a positive response from Christiano at Sym Projects to my request for a software fix. Otherwise, I see a SimHub Arduino project on the horizon.
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