I have tried to merge two apps, one that shows the drift angle and one that plays a sound on a condition. My goal is that a sound is played when certain level of drift is achieved. It is working, but the problem is that the sound sometimes is played many times, even overlapping itself. I would need a way to prevent the condition with the soundplay to be run so frequently, or maybe with some kind of timer that makes it wait for some seconds after the last time it was run. My knowledge of Python is almost zero, so I ask for your help. This is the code I have:
import sys
import ac
import acsys
import math
from math import log
from playsounddrift import playsound
from pydubdrift.pydub import AudioSegment
sound_played = False
SoundFile = "apps/python/D_Angle/hotshot.wav"
MaxAngle = 130
MinKMH = 10
Drift = 20
AngleLabel = 0
Angle = 0
Timer = 0
def acMain(ac_version):
global AngleLabel
# init Window
appWindow = ac.newApp("D_Angle")
ac.setSize(appWindow, 66, 30)
ac.setTitle(appWindow, "")
ac.drawBorder(appWindow, 0)
ac.setIconPosition(appWindow, 0, -10000)
ac.setBackgroundOpacity(appWindow, 0.3)
# label configure
AngleLabel = ac.addLabel(appWindow, "0°")
ac.setPosition(AngleLabel, 33, 3)
ac.setFontAlignment(AngleLabel, "center")
ac.setFontSize(AngleLabel, 18)
ac.setFontColor(AngleLabel, 1, 1, 1, 1)
def acUpdate(deltaT):
global AngleLabel, Angle, Timer, MinKMH, sound_played, offset
ac.setFontAlignment(AngleLabel, "center")
ac.setPosition(AngleLabel, 33, 3)
# raw data
carKMH = ac.getCarState(0, acsys.CS.SpeedKMH)
fl, fr, rl, rr = ac.getCarState(0, acsys.CS.SlipAngle)
vx, vy, vz = ac.getCarState(0, acsys.CS.LocalVelocity)
# model data
Angle = getDriftAngle(rl, rr, vz)
# spin : over angle
if Angle > MaxAngle and carKMH > MinKMH:
ac.setText(AngleLabel, "Spin")
# spin : lower speed
if Angle > 60 and carKMH < MinKMH and vz > 0:
ac.setText(AngleLabel, "Spin")
# drifting
if carKMH > MinKMH:
ac.setText(AngleLabel, "{:.0f}°".format(Angle))
# Wait anim
ac.setPosition(AngleLabel, 16, 3)
Timer += deltaT
ac.setFontAlignment(AngleLabel, "left")
if int(Timer) % 3 == 0:
ac.setText(AngleLabel, "Text1")
if int(Timer) % 3 == 1:
ac.setText(AngleLabel, "Text2")
if int(Timer) % 3 == 2:
ac.setText(AngleLabel, "Text3")
if Angle > Drift and carKMH > MinKMH:
if not sound_played:
playsound(SoundFile, block = False)
sound_played = True
sound_played = False
def getDriftAngle(rl, rr, vz):
rawAngle = math.fabs(round(rl+rr)/2)
if vz <= 0:
return 180 - rawAngle
return rawAngle