Can someone help me with a graphic issue...

Decided with the 1.8 update to give ACC another go, but I quickly remembered why I stopped playing it in the first place. From the cockpit view, the graphics look so blurry and out of focus. It's almost like it's not using my native screen resolution and downscaling. This doesn't seem to be an issue when watching a replay or external cam. Everything looks super sharp. I've looked through all of the video options trying to find something related to cockpit\first person view to try and figure out what's wrong, but I can't seem to solve it.

Anyone have any suggestions on how to sharpen up what's in front of me when behind the wheel. Is there some kind of depth of field option that i'm missing that would put things more in focus? Thanks for any help...
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I've got a GTX 1070 8gb. Sorry, no pics from my graphic settings, but I guess I would say they are set between Epic and High. I started with Epic and then kept turning various options down one notch until I got a framerate I could live with. So some are still Epic and some are High.

One thing I noticed in trying to figure this out by looking at one of the center white lines on the track. For a small distance in front of me, the white line is crisp and clear and then it begins to get fuzzy and out of focus. That goes for everything else as well. I don't mind things way in the distance getting out of focus because that's normal, but it happens too quickly. Maybe that's just how the graphics engine works. I should try setting everything on Epic and see if it goes away. Never thought to try that.

I was struggling with the same problem but managed to fix it.

A really important setting is to disable AA completely. It is not working well with the unreal engine and is the main problem for blurry images.

What I did then was to enable AA from the NVidia control panel and let the driver do its magic.

Since then I have had no issues with blurry images anymore.
Thank you. Will give that a try and see what happens. Any suggestions on how best to setup the Program Settings for ACC in the control panel? Did you change anything else besides the AA settings?
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