Can you bolt a Sim Lab GT1 to a Next Level Traction Plus Platform? Future proofing a sim cockpit

Hey guys,im starting to piece together my future proof Sim rig.

I was planning to buy the GT Track (playstation or Original version) and mounting a V3 motion Simulator to it,this was all fine. Then i was advised to buy a Sim Lab GT1 and mount the V3 Motion Platform to it and add a Sparco seat,sounds great to me after seeing the reviews.

The Gt Track is currently sold out everywhere and the Sim Lab has a 15 day lead time,thats fine. Im assuming due to lockdown everyone is buying Home made gaming/simulator equipment.

1.If i buy the Sim Lab GT1 and add the V3 Motion Platform,plus a Sparco seat,would i eventually be able to bolt it to the Traction Plus system if purchased at a later date? I understand this is an expensive piece of equipment but reviews are great.

2.Adding a Sparco seat,anyone have a list of great comfy seats? Maybe with a 5 point Harness (for harness tension mod)

3.Can i add a seat rail to a Sparco Seat which can be fitted to the V3,nothing gets in the road of any moving pieces of equipment? Can i also add a Moving Pedal rail? Different family members and different sizes so moving the pedals and seat via a rail is a great option,rather than bolting/unbolting. Does the GT TRack Seat come with rail movement?

4. I will be using mostly my VR INDEX setup,is this ok with the motion platform to use?

5. Is the platform easy enough to sit in and use a keyboard/mouse when not in Sim use?

Any help on the above is greatly appreciated.

As i say im trying to future proof my New Rig,but these are the options at the moment.

Buy GT TRACK (in stock eventually) with V3 Platform,comes with next level seat....can be added to Traction Plus


Buy Sim Lab GT1,add sparco seat,rails,V3 Platform......and hope it can be bolted to the Taction Plus.