Can you make SGSSAA work on Assetto Corsa on Windows 10 Pro?


I've been trying to make Sparse Grid Supersampling Anti Alisaing (SGSSAA) work on Assetto Corsa on Windows 10 Pro with no luck.

I have an NVIDIA GTX 980 with latest drivers and there is now way to make SGSSAA work at all. AC simply ignores the SGSSAA settings. I've been reading a lot of forum posts last days about Windows 10 anti alisaing being broken with latest 2018 updates. I know for sure that SGSSAA works on Windows 7 as @RasmusP just confirmed me.

Here are my Assetto Corsa SGSSAA settings with NVIDIA Profile Inspector.


Has anybody here been able to make it work? Do I give up on SGSSAA with Windows 10 Pro?

Last edited:
Windows 10 Pro April update 1803
GTX 970 397.93
SGSSAA working OK.

My Nvidia Profile Inspector settings seem the same as yours:
Select Assetto Corsa from dropdown menu
Enhance the Application Setting
2x Sparse Grid Supersampling

Assetto Corsa setting:
Anti-Aliasing Samples 2x or 4x - I read that the game's MSAA setting should be equal to or greater than the SGSSAA setting.
Thanks very much @Richard8746 for replying. I guess I will have to install Windows 10 from zero to check what's really going on with SGSSAA.

Thanks Paul.
The automatic April 1803 Windows update caused some problems on my system - it changed a partition on my drive!!! I decided to do a fresh install of Windows 10 (1803).
I don't think I played Assetto Corsa after the automatic 1803 update, so I don't know whether it affected SGSSAA.

Here's a couple of ideas to try before you reinstall Windows 10.

I always use Display Driver Uninstaller before I install a new Nvidia driver. There are instuctions on this page:

Nvidia driver install options:
I only install the driver and PhysX.
Guys, I would seriously get the .iso for Windows 10 Pro 1703 and install that. It was the last stable build and I'm still using it. You then need WUMGR which is a windows update manager. You can tell that to hide the updates for later builds so that they never get loaded. WUMGR disables Windows Update in the settings menu. It also let's you choose what to update and when, you can do it all totally manually. If, when you search for updates, a new Windows build pops up in the list of updates you can install, you can just hide it.

The Fall Creators update broke a lot of things for me. At the time, as I had Windows 10 Pro, I could tell Windows Update not to do anything with feature updates for 365 days. Then, when that time was up, it kept trying to force the Fall Creators update on me. That's where WUMGR comes in.