Carrying on a track after I deselect?

If I draw out a little piece of track and deselect/finish for the day, how do I come back and join onto where I left off? It just creates a new piece of track that does not connect. As opposed to click and dragging one after the other it all connects, if I click off I need a way to connect to the last piece I made. Here's what I mean:


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You can snap a node (e.g. the first node of the new piece of track) by holding M while you move it towards another one. The tracks will still remain separate however, and the end and start nodes will not be locked in any way (so you can't move both nodes simultaneously).

It isn't possible to carry on extending an open track once you've left the creation phase, but you can just move the end node and use Ctrl-click to insert new nodes before it.

I prefer to make a closed track and use Ctrl to insert points if I want to change it. That ensures all parts of the track are free from holes. If you do that it's a good idea to add new cross sections with 'set material' selected to ensure BTB generates multiple objects (better for game performance in most cases).