Changing AI Difficutly @ Championship

after i started a Marcas Championship @ 85 AI i tried to shift it up to 115 but nothing is changing.

I tried to do that in game (with game restart before the next race/event). No effect

I tried to edit the .cch file directly and then start the game and try the next race -> No effect

Now when i start the game and go to my Marcas Championship it says Ai Difficulty is at 115 but i can not see and feel a difference on track. (Ai is still as slow as Ai Difficulty 85).

I hope someone in here can help me.
Funnily enough, Ive noticed this in Single Race mode. I just put it down to the fact its still Early Access, and a very good EA at that. Be patient young padawan, just report it on the Reiza forums and relax :)