Changing some button functions from toggle to momentary?

Hi all!
Is there a way to miodify behaviour of certain buttons/functions from toggle to momentary? I know there is no such way in CM itself but maybe some cfg modification or something?
For example, I would want indicators/lights/wipers button to operate in the same way as horn (only works when button is being held pressed).
did anyone look into this before? Would that be structural modification of AC itself or more CSP?

any help welcome, thanks!
Ok so this is what my settings page looks like. Im using 1.74 btw.


  • bandicam 2021-11-08 08-41-37-881.jpg
    bandicam 2021-11-08 08-41-37-881.jpg
    280.2 KB · Views: 61
Ok so this is what my settings page looks like. Im using 1.74 btw.
thats fantastic, thanks for checking. I defo doesnt have that "toggle" option but im on 1.70 and free CM. Im suspecting its CSP version making the difference so will start from updating that first and checking (im holding onto 1.70 because of SLI issues on newer versions). If its not there, it would mean its CM version.
anyway - great to know its doable and already "on shelf", many thanks for your help!
Ok so this is what my settings page looks like. Im using 1.74 btw.
So it is a CSP feature, upgrading to newer version 1.7.3 onwards enable this feature in CM indeed BUT it doesnt work for me :/
I am getting the toggle/hold options in CM, yes, but cant force the buttons to work in HOLD mode no matter what I do. Also, anytime i exit CM and enter back again, all of them are back into "toggle" mode .
Same thing with hazards etc, tried different button mapping, tried keyboard mapping - nothing, cant get anything to work in "hold" only.
The option for "turn off indicator lights automatically" in "instrument cluster" section doesnt work correctly either - no matter what I choose, the indicators will turn off after wheel is centered back./
Tried all CSP versions that have this feature (73/74/75) - same result.

Can you or anyone else confirm this feature actually works in HOLD mode for you? Not sure if thats CSP bug that "option is there but doesnt actually work" or problem is on my side and i need to start reinstalling all?
would appreciate it. thanks

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