Changing values in: -Real display damage by Luc1gnol0-

I have installed the Real display damage by Luc1gnol0 1.1 with following setup:


I have 3 questions and I hope you can answer all:

1.) as you can see: Time is set to 100. The reason why I did that I want to have it displayed permanently. So, I set a high value. But how can you configure it that this display shows up directly at start. Currently it only shows up when you cause a first damage.

2.) I want to modify the given values for:
-Body Left
-Body Right
-Body Front
-Body Rear
-Suspension FL
-Suspension FR
-Suspension RL
-Suspension RR

For all these variables, even with hard impact, the front or the rear is still not in red color...
Where can I change those values? In which .ini files?
I want my car to look damaged more quickly (btw, I drive PRO: damage is set to 100% but it is still to less damage for me). I want to change the appropriate values in the given files! I which files I find these variables?

3.) Where is the symbol for BODY LEFT and BODY RIGHT in the HUD:
Has the author forgotten that?
I only see Body Front, Body Rear, Tires, Suspension, Motor, Gearbox