I can just tell you what I found out so far with switching from Racing Point to Ferrari
First I made a backup of the savegame files (%steamfolder%\userdata\%playerid%\737800\remote\savegame*.*)
1st try
Start contract negotiations with Ferrari
- 1st driver, hard goals, 2nd in Q, 3rd in R
- 3,3,1,0 on contract perks
Result: Teammate is Kimi Raikkönen
2nd try (after loading back savegame backup)
Start contract negotiations with Ferrari
- 2nd driver, hard goals, 3rd in Q, 3rd in R
- 3,1,1,1 on contract perks
Result: Teammate is Kimi Raikkönen
3rd try (after loading back savegame backup)
Start contract negotiations with Ferrari
- 1st driver, medium goals, 3rd in Q, 4th in R
- 3,2,2,0 on contract perks
Result: Teammate is Kimi Raikkönen
So I had no chance to make Vettel my teammate. Not a big deal I just wanted to know how it works...looks like the teammate is set before you start a contract?
The only thing that changed was the performance of each team after contract negotiations and the beginning of Season 2.
I attached two screenshots of 1st try and 2nd try. You see Renault and Racing Point do differ the most (maybe the R&D failure rate is calculated a little bit random?).
1st try:
2nd try:
Hope this helps you
I do not say that is completely right...just checked it once and got these results. Maybe other people can re-check this before a new season.