Closest match to Audi S4 Avant in AC? (Is there any)

In a couple of weeks I'm going to take part in a trackday with a 2013 Audi S4 Avant. The figures are 333bhp and 1825kg with AWD. So I'm looking for some big-ish roadcar with quite some weight, but still a good amount of power.

Does anyone have any idea what might be to closest match for it in AC, mods and DLCs included? Or is there anything available that is even relatively similiar? I'm definitely not expecting to find a perfect match to the real thing. I just hope to find a car to train with that might be even somewhat relevant.

Thanks in advance.
Hmm, AC doesnt have a ton of AWD cars, and certainly nothing that heavy or in the form of a station wagon. Closest in weight with AWD might be the Nissan GT-R, but that likely drives nothing like the Audi S4.

I would probably stay away from any mods that would be similar, as they are likely rips from Forza. There is nothing like this on RD as far as I know.

If you can live with RWD, some of the beemers may be of similar weight and power. Perhaps the M3 or Z4. Other than those, the only ones that I think are anywhere near the weight/power might be the Porsche Macan or Panamera. I dont think you will be able to get all that close to the Audi though, sadly.
In real life the Macan and the S4 should be the closest match (both build upon the VW MLB platform, the Panamera does not), so AWD system and general suspension layout are expected to be the same or very similar at least.
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I appreciate the answers guys! I was thinking about the Panamera mostly for the proportions of the car, but I would never have guessed the Macan might actually be closer. Time to do a bit of testing now.