I've had Assetto on content manager for a while I've recently installed new storage and had to redownload everything now when I try to load content manage it gives me
System.Typelnitialization Exception: The type initializer for •AdManagerControls.UserPresetsControlthrewanexception -..3 System TypeinitializationException: The type Initializer for "System.Windows, FrameworkElement' threw an exception _a> System Typeinitialization Exception: The type initializer io 'Sustem Windows, Documents TextElement threw an exception.
System.Typelnitialization Exception: The type initializer for •AdManagerControls.UserPresetsControlthrewanexception -..3 System TypeinitializationException: The type Initializer for "System.Windows, FrameworkElement' threw an exception _a> System Typeinitialization Exception: The type initializer io 'Sustem Windows, Documents TextElement threw an exception.
initializer for 'MS Internal,FontCache,Utl'threwan exceptionSystem, TypelnitializationException: The type
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