CM server description

Hi all,

I created a server with content manager but impossible for me to have a description when players click on my server.

I would like to add an image or other that is really beautiful but I can only put a simple sentence and that's it.
Here is how i do it

[img=[URL][/URL]] SGETIS SHACK. [/img]
but where do i have to write this down? into server_cfg.ini?

here it looks like creating a extra_cfg.yml file would help?!
and then in the server_cfg.ini i put it under description=cfg/extra_cfg.yml
but this does not work.


goofle is not helpful at all...
This information is saved in a file named "cm_wrapper_params.json", e.g.
  "enabled": true,
  "detailsMode": 1,
  "port": 80,
  "downloadSpeedLimit": 1000000,
  "verboseLog": true,
  "description": "This is the information shown in CM",
  "downloadPasswordOnly": true,
  "publishPasswordChecksum": true
extra_cfg.yml isnt a configuration file of the vanilla server!
thx for the fast reply. i found this file on my computer.
how do i tell my server (not runnin from my computer) that he loads this .json file?
its not workin when i have it in server presets and in cfg folder of the server.
do i have to make sure that this file gets loaded via server_cfg.ini maybe? like with the welcome message?
i created another template now and see there is a ServerWrapper.exe. I did not had it on the server before, so i guess thats the problem. cant test yet cause server provider crashed atm...