CM Unexpected Error after exit AC

after I exit Assetto I got the error message "Unexpected Error" and after that I got following Error description from content manager:

AC\inputdevice.cpp (127): InputDevice::setG27Leds
AC\inputdevice.cpp (88): InputDevice::~InputDevice
00007FF68F0AEA84 (acs): (filename not available): DirectInput::`scalar deleting destructor'
AC\directinput.cpp (84): DirectInput::cleanup
AC\game.cpp (233): Game::shutdownObject
AC\game.cpp (221): Game::run
AC\acs.cpp (477): wWinMain
f:\dd\vctools\crt\crtw32\dllstuff\crtexe.c (618): __tmainCRTStartup

CM is the latest version and I use the official CSP 1.7.1

Has anyone got the same message ?
I also mentioned that the loading screen keeps really long - also when I play single player vs AI (10 opponents) and 3-5 Minutes loading screen.

Thanks , Bye
Enable "Automatically check and fix controllers order..."
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He should reboot PC, can fix controller problems.

Maybe also enable this, but i guess its already enabled:
View attachment 447308

Yes, its already enabled. He had reinstalled ghub, content manager and ac, but still got the error. Also, there is no ffb from his g29 and the led is not working while playing ac on his pc. I had use my pc to test his g29 and everything works fine. So, his g29 should be having no problem.
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Did you try disabling Weather Effects? I got no unexpected errors with weather FX disabled. So theres something either with Weather FX in later shaders, or with SOL.
Still though, don't understand why some cars work, other don't.