F1 2011 Codemasters, Obvious things you should know about a F1 car

F1 2011 The Game (Codemasters)
Things I'd like to see in F1 2011 - general discussion/feedback sharing

1: present F1 cars do have clutch to be used in the start. There is 2 paddles in the wheel for this purpose.

2: present F1 cars do have a pad in the wheel to use engine brake

3: F1 cars have differential and brake adjustmant buttons in the wheel

4: without these commands its IMPOSSIBLE to simulate anything

5: The community would be glad to beta-test the game before its release. Please give my 50 USD back until you release the final product.

I apologize to all staff members for the inconvenience this thread may have caused.

The post title could may lead some to beleave/feel it was like a request, rather than an ideas/feedback share on a specdialized non-official forum of the Codemasters title. Wich is the main goal of such forums as stated by themselves.

Thanks for your reply with all respect
1: present F1 cars do have clutch to be used in the start. There is 2 paddles in the wheell for this purpose.
The hardware doesn't exist for this to be possible. Most people have only 2 paddles on their wheels, not 4. Plus, if there were clutch paddles they would have to be pressure sensitive (ie. an axis, not a button).

2: present F1 cars do have a pad in the wheel to use engine brake
Not a big worry. Guess this could be done with a button, but still we are limited to how many buttons are on the average wheel.

3: F1 cars have differential and brake adjustmant buttons in the wheel
I think they were working on brake bias, the engineer makes comments about it but it's not in the game. These could probably be adjusted with the quick menu (with some difficulty to the user since we don't have dials on our wheels for this).

4: F1 cars have aircooling. So, if stop your car and do not change the engine rotations it will blow up by overheating!
The engine does overheat, but not blow up. I know this could be called an immersion break but it seems silly, what if you are playing around and taking screenshots? (could be made an option or something I suppose)

5: without these commands its IMPOSSIBLE to simulate anything
The game is not a sim dude. It's trying it's best to be a racing game with sim-like qualities. I think it does fine. If you want a sim go play rfactor, but it won't look as nice, there won't be as diverse weather, there won't be a career mode etc....Really if you expect to get the feeling of driving an F1 car go and drive one, you can spend millions on a simulator (like Red Bull or Mclaren) and it still won't be the same. Why do you expect a VIDEO GAME to simulate an F1 car?

6: The community would be glad to beta-test the game before its release. Please give my 50 USD back until you release the final product.
Not likely, C.A.R.S. project is looked at as revolutionary, maybe we will see stuff like this in a few years?

7: give F1 commercial license to someone else!
They're doing better than some other developers :)

If you don't like the game, either mod it or don't play it! We've all wasted money on games that we thought (opinion!) were not worth it. I am not 100% satisfied but I don't think you can ever be with a game, all that matters is that you have fun playing it. If you're not having fun lower your expectations or go play something else. Codemasters (and all devs) really should release a beta or demo so we can try before buying (piracy/leaks aside)
1: present F1 cars do have clutch to be used in the start. There is 2 paddles in the wheel for this purpose.

2: present F1 cars do have a pad in the wheel to use engine brake

3: F1 cars have differential and brake adjustmant buttons in the wheel

4: F1 cars have aircooling. So, if stop your car and do not change the engine rotations it will blow up by overheating!

5: without these commands its IMPOSSIBLE to simulate anything

6: The community would be glad to beta-test the game before its release. Please give my 50 USD back until you release the final product.

7: give F1 commercial license to someone else!

People like this annoy me so much.

If Codemasters did all those things for next years game, would you go around telling people that you regularly drive an F1 car?

No. It is a computer game. It is called F1 the Game.

Not F1 Simulator.

Would you like the real effects of a 200mph crash to be simulated too? Do you want a bottle of champagne if you get a podium?
hehe, what a tard!

Sorry if thats a bit harsh but you deserve it. Its a bloody good game yet you want ultimate perfection. For your information i would imagine that Codemasters know a lot about an F1 car, no doubt more than you with the amount of research that has probably gone into the project. Your disrespectful.

Anyway.. what in gods name do you want Codemasters to do about your first point anyway? Visit everybody in the world that has bought F12011 and attach some aftermarket DIY clutch paddles to our steering wheels?
If you don't like the game, either mod it or don't play it! We've all wasted money on games that we thought (opinion!) were not worth it. I am not 100% satisfied but I don't think you can ever be with a game, all that matters is that you have fun playing it. If you're not having fun lower your expectations or go play something else. Codemasters (and all devs) really should release a beta or demo so we can try before buying (piracy/leaks aside)

your right there m8 why buy it if you do like it ..plus he is right ITS A GAME . codemasters have made the best f1 game iv seen in long time.
If you want a sim get rfacter and mod that or even if you want a sim f1 get gp4 lol ... right iv had my say lol...
Take a chill pill and just enjoy the game for what it is and stop fussing over stuff. The only thing that you will achieve is to get yourself wound up. The game has it's faults, it also has it's good points, focus on the positives and ignore the negatives.

Before 2011 was released, everybody and their dog was shouting out to CM to release it, and now that it is, there's a bunch of ungrateful whining happening. I guarantee that if they had scrapped the release, everyone would winging about that instead...
This will be slightly off topic but he does have one good point... why isn't the game industry offering refunds? Perhaps not for disliking the game but if the game has serious bug that prevents one from even playing it, shouldn't he get a refund? US consumer law states that consumers are entitled to refunds on defective product.

Would refunds encourage piracy? Is no-refund policy preventing it? I believe refunds would actually reduce piracy. I don't mean the store should just accept the refunds as there will be people who finish the games in couple days and return them but if the game has serious bugs, one should contact the support, attempt to resolve the issue, and if it the support isn't able to resolve the issue but acknowledged the problem and just told to "wait for a patch" he should be able to request a refund by mailing it back.

There was a case few years back when an old woman purchased a software, tried to install it, and actually read the EULA and said she doesn't agree with it so she tried to take it back but the store didn't accept it because it was opened. She sued them as she claimed that the EULA should be on the outside of the box if that is the case. I never heard what the result of that lawsuit was but these are our rights as consumers we voluntarily forfeit.

Take a chill pill and just enjoy the game for what it is and stop fussing over stuff. The only thing that you will achieve is to get yourself wound up. The game has it's faults, it also has it's good points, focus on the positives and ignore the negatives.

Before 2011 was released, everybody and their dog was shouting out to CM to release it, and now that it is, there's a bunch of ungrateful whining happening. I guarantee that if they had scrapped the release, everyone would winging about that instead...

Read the OFFICIAL objectives of the developers.

The fun in simracing comes from... simulation?

Why it is ungratful to complain about a product which is selling in a free market economy?

Are we in a comunist regime?

By criticise the product in a public way (instead of give it a BAFTA) a pressure will be applied to the manufacturer of that product.
Than they will have the choice of improve it or leave the job to somebody else. Jus like in any case under a free market economy: competition.

Thank you for the reply, with sincere respect.

Scott Webber said:
he has a right to rant, but no right to say CM needs to give it to some1 else :D .... simpel fact is this.

The game is and has never meant to be a sim, it's a arcadey game, don't like it then don't play it, CM never claimed it to be a sim, so the stuff you ask for won't happen.

Secondly do your research before you buy racing games again, if you only like sim games them look for the developers who claim the game to be a sim.

Read the OFFICIAL objectives of the developers.

The fun in simracing comes from... simulation?

Thank you for the reply, with sincere respect.
he has a right to rant, but no right to say CM needs to give it to some1 else :D .... simpel fact is this.

The game is and has never meant to be a sim, it's a arcadey game, don't like it then don't play it, CM never claimed it to be a sim, so the stuff you ask for won't happen.

Secondly do your research before you buy racing games again, if you only like sim games them look for the developers who claim the game to be a sim.
he has a right to rant, but no right to say CM needs to give it to some1 else :D .... simpel fact is this.

The game is and has never meant to be a sim, it's a arcadey game, don't like it then don't play it, CM never claimed it to be a sim, so the stuff you ask for won't happen.

Secondly do your research before you buy racing games again, if you only like sim games them look for the developers who claim the game to be a sim.

ts not what Codemasters meant to be doing.

Read the OFFICIAL objectives of the developers.


1: present F1 cars do have clutch to be used in the start. There is 2 paddles in the wheell for this purpose.
The hardware doesn't exist for this to be possible. Most people have only 2 paddles on their wheels, not 4. Plus, if there were clutch paddles they would have to be pressure sensitive (ie. an axis, not a button).

Every iset of wheel/pedals have a clutch pedal. In a F1 car launch, you hold two clutch pads, release one and manage the other. You just need 1 axis.
2: present F1 cars do have a pad in the wheel to use engine brake
Not a big worry. Guess this could be done with a button, but still we are limited to how many buttons are on the average wheel.

3: F1 cars have differential and brake adjustmant buttons in the wheel
I think they were working on brake bias, the engineer makes comments about it but it's not in the game. These could probably be adjusted with the quick menu (with some difficulty to the user since we don't have dials on our wheels for this).

The keyboard

4: F1 cars have aircooling. So, if stop your car and do not change the engine rotations it will blow up by overheating!
The engine does overheat, but not blow up. I know this could be called an immersion break but it seems silly, what if you are playing around and taking screenshots? (could be made an option or something I suppose)

5: without these commands its IMPOSSIBLE to simulate anything
The game is not a sim dude. It's trying it's best to be a racing game with sim-like qualities. I think it does fine. If you want a sim go play rfactor, but it won't look as nice, there won't be as diverse weather, there won't be a career mode etc....Really if you expect to get the feeling of driving an F1 car go and drive one, you can spend millions on a simulator (like Red Bull or Mclaren) and it still won't be the same. Why do you expect a VIDEO GAME to simulate an F1 car?

Read the OFFICIAL objectives of the developers.

6: The community would be glad to beta-test the game before its release. Please give my 50 USD back until you release the final product.
Not likely, C.A.R.S. project is looked at as revolutionary, maybe we will see stuff like this in a few years?

Then why the biggest releases of the industry ( like Battlefield) do release beta versions?

7: give F1 commercial license to someone else!
They're doing better than some other developers :)

Than the developers of rFactor, iRacing, NetKar, Forza, GT 5... ?

If you don't like the game, either mod it or don't play it! We've all wasted money on games that we thought (opinion!) were not worth it. I am not 100% satisfied but I don't think you can ever be with a game, all that matters is that you have fun playing it. If you're not having fun lower your expectations or go play something else. Codemasters (and all devs) really should release a beta or demo so we can try before buying (piracy/leaks aside)

The fun in simracing comes from... simulation?

Thank you for the reply, with sincere respect.


People like this annoy me so much.

If Codemasters did all those things for next years game, would you go around telling people that you regularly drive an F1 car?

No. It is a computer game. It is called F1 the Game.

Not F1 Simulator.

Would you like the real effects of a 200mph crash to be simulated too? Do you want a bottle of champagne if you get a podium?

Read the OFFICIAL objectives of the developers.

The fun in simracing comes from... simulation?

I started with simracing because I dont have the money to do the real thing?

Thank you for the reply, with sincere respect.

It's a GAME FFS!!!!!

Read the OFFICIAL objectives of the developers.

The fun in simracing comes from... simulation?

Thank you for the reply, with sincere respect.

hehe, what a tard!

Sorry if thats a bit harsh but you deserve it. Its a bloody good game yet you want ultimate perfection. For your information i would imagine that Codemasters know a lot about an F1 car, no doubt more than you with the amount of research that has probably gone into the project. Your disrespectful.

Anyway.. what in gods name do you want Codemasters to do about your first point anyway? Visit everybody in the world that has bought F12011 and attach some aftermarket DIY clutch paddles to our steering wheels?

Every set of wheel/pedals have a clutch pedal. In a F1 car launch, you hold two clutch pads, release one and manage the other. You just need 1 axis.

The fun in simracing comes from... simulation?

Thank you for the reply, with sincere respect.

If you don't like the game, either mod it or don't play it! We've all wasted money on games that we thought (opinion!) were not worth it. I am not 100% satisfied but I don't think you can ever be with a game, all that matters is that you have fun playing it. If you're not having fun lower your expectations or go play something else. Codemasters (and all devs) really should release a beta or demo so we can try before buying (piracy/leaks aside)

your right there m8 why buy it if you do like it ..plus he is right ITS A GAME . codemasters have made the best f1 game iv seen in long time.
If you want a sim get rfacter and mod that or even if you want a sim f1 get gp4 lol ... right iv had my say lol...

Thank you for the reply, with sincere respect.
OP wants this:


Simply put they don't make most controllers with enough buttons to do all of the things that you want this game to do. and in your apparent dire need for realism you seem to have missed the fact that the physics in the games set up menu are completely incorrect, you can cut corners with no regard for penalties or spinning on the grass, and you have an AI that won't pass you in a straight line.

Steel battalion WAS a real game that got shipped with that controller, and from what i've heard it was incredibly realistic...even though it was fantasy...but it was also $200

as others have said, rFactor 2 is coming out soon so wait for that as it's as close as you'll likely get to a true sim with out paying outrageous amounts of money.
OP wants this:


Simply put they don't make most controllers with enough buttons to do all of the things that you want this game to do. and in your apparent dire need for realism you seem to have missed the fact that the physics in the games set up menu are completely incorrect, you can cut corners with no regard for penalties or spinning on the grass, and you have an AI that won't pass you in a straight line.

Steel battalion WAS a real game that got shipped with that controller, and from what i've heard it was incredibly realistic...even though it was fantasy...but it was also $200

as others have said, rFactor 2 is coming out soon so wait for that as it's as close as you'll likely get to a true sim with out paying outrageous amounts of money.

Every set of wheel/pedals have a clutch pedal. In a F1 car launch, you hold two clutch pads, release one and manage the other. You just need 1 axis.

My wheel have already enough buttons and the pedal to clutch, shifting, brake bias and differential.
And why every modern wheel must be able to do so?
Because with the xinput API from Microsoft you've already have enough buttons and axis. But remember that a wheel, traditionaly has even more axis, because of the clutch and the brake/gas being apart and having a seguential/manual shift module.
And this without mention the keyboard.
The same in the PS world, due the 6 axis of a Dualshock and the number of buttons of it(2 being used by motion sensing):

By criticising the product in a public way (instead of give it a BAFTA) a pressure will be applied to the manufacturer of that product.
Then they will have the choice of improve it or leave the job to somebody else. Jus like in any case under a free-market: competition.

Thank you for the reply, with sincere respect.
This will be slightly off topic but he does have one good point... why isn't the game industry offering refunds? Perhaps not for disliking the game but if the game has serious bug that prevents one from even playing it, shouldn't he get a refund? US consumer law states that consumers are entitled to refunds on defective product.

Would refunds encourage piracy? Is no-refund policy preventing it? I believe refunds would actually reduce piracy. I don't mean the store should just accept the refunds as there will be people who finish the games in couple days and return them but if the game has serious bugs, one should contact the support, attempt to resolve the issue, and if it the support isn't able to resolve the issue but acknowledged the problem and just told to "wait for a patch" he should be able to request a refund by mailing it back.

There was a case few years back when an old woman purchased a software, tried to install it, and actually read the EULA and said she doesn't agree with it so she tried to take it back but the store didn't accept it because it was opened. She sued them as she claimed that the EULA should be on the outside of the box if that is the case. I never heard what the result of that lawsuit was but these are our rights as consumers we voluntarily forfeit.

I bought the game through Steam...

But what youre saying is interesting because here in my country (Brazil), the Law forces a manufacturer to refund a consumer if he is not satisfied within 7 days.
Even in software case and in any other contract.

In the US, if you buy a hardware through the internet (what Ive already done using international shipment services), you can get a refund as well.

A normal wheel has 4 buttons, 4 directional arrows. (DPAD)
2 pedals.

That's it.
I have all my buttons set.
I actually need more, so more functions would rule out a lot of wheels. And no, i'm not buying a G27/25

A modern wheel will use the xinput standard on a PC or in Xbox 360. So youre gonna have at least the Xbox 360 gamepad number of axes and buttons. In the PS3 you will have the DS3 quantity of axes and buttons.
Both are anough but...

Youre gonna have even more, because of the old directinput API:
axis: 1 to clutch, 1 to steering, 2 to brake/gas (theyre assign together in the xinput but can be separate).
Its enough, because you just need 1 to clutch a F1 car: that one on the pedal.
axis remaining: 4 (direct input has 8)

But to all adjustments (what is used in rFactor) you can use your keyboard and mouse side by side with your will.
Then anyone can use all the necessary commands.
Just Like in rFactor since... 7 years ago?

There is no difficult.
Don't need to read anything from anyone.

It's a little silver disc like object you buy from a shop to put in either a PS3 XBOX or PC.

You then do what with it? .......Play it?......Yup!!!

Guess what that makes it?


One question though.

Do you drive at home at the desk or wherever you drive, fully dressed in 2 layers of fireproof clothing, driver suit, gloves, and helmet?

If not, why not?

Could it be it's because you a just playing a .........wait for it...........GAME!!!


lucianoizolito said:

Read the OFFICIAL objectives of the developers.

The fun in simracing comes from... simulation?

Thank you for the reply, with sincere respect.

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