Jake Fangio
Please don't rain pleeaassee don't rain
So where is the bloody thing.I want to cap my FPS and I can't bloody find it.Thank you in advance.
Thank you my friend.I doubt the link will stay (even though it's a "helpful link"):
so here's the contents:
Multi threaded -dx11mt
Cap Framerates -fpscap xx (ex. -fpscap 60)
Launch 32bit -x86
DirectX 9 -dx9
Disable crowds -skipcrowds
Disable VR headset support -novr
Disable join in progress (multiplayer) -disablejip
Developer Cameras -devcameras
Number of physics threads:
-pthreads 1 / -pthreads 2 / -pthreads 3 / -pthreads 4
• Default physics threads = 2
Custom downsampling -windowsize 3500,2500