Complete 32 car skin pack for the MetalMoro AJR

Skins Complete 32 car skin pack for the MetalMoro AJR 0.9

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MrBraindown submitted a new resource:

Complete 32 car skin pack for the MetalMoro AJR - Converted from my AMS2 Pack

I recently created a 32 car skin pack for the MetalMoro AJR found in AMS2. I had a request to convert it to rFactor 2, so here we are.

I don't think I've ever created any skins for rFactor2 before, so I really hope I've configured the files correctly. I've built a MAS file, so if you can unzip the file and dump it in the following location I believe everything will work:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\rFactor 2\Installed\Vehicles\MetalMoro_AJR_2018\1.09

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