PC1 Constantly spinning out at Spa

I constantly spin out at Bus Stop Chicane at Spa, doesn't matter what I do I ALWAYS spin out, I can be going 3mph and I will still spin out even without throttle, there's a bump at the apex and whenever I go over it = instant spin, the only way I am able to take the chicane is by going around the apex which in turn ruins my momentum.

I did a test just 5 minutes ago by going around the chicane at 3mph no throttle, literally rolling through it and I still lost the back end, I've tried taking the apex straight on and still span out

This is incredibly frustrating when doing a 2 hour endurance race and every time spinning out destroying any chance of catching the pack.

Please don't tell me it's my throttle control, it's clearly not because you roll into the corner there is no throttle, and I've never had this problem on any other track

I'm using LMP2 class with no assists
To be honest, I ve had this problem for some time, but that was until I stopped being aggresive with the throttle. It would be great if you can make a short video with your typical attempt through that corner. I haven't spun through there for some time now, but I use like 1/10 of throttle until I am out of there. And yes, what LMP2 are you using so I can try this too, who knows it might be a clipping bug if the car is too low.