Copying the FFB from one car to another?


There are some cars with amazing FFB in Automobilista, but others feel very bland as if there's only a centering force.

Am I able to copy, say, the FFB from the Porsche 911 Cup to the ECC cars?

I believe in order to do that you use the .pm file from the porsche and rename it to whatever the eec cars are using. That should give you the same FFB, you could even employ the boxer .pm from Reiza... Just a thought?!
Where do I find this .pm file? I've looked into the Vehicles folder (Boxer Cup) and found nothing. It seems none of the default cars have this file. Sadly, I'd like to copy the FFB from a default car to a mod one. From all the mod cars I have, none have amazing FFB.

EDIT: Are you sure these files are for FFB? They have a lot of inertia and mass properties. I'm afraid I'll be messing the inertia/mass of whatever car I replace the files.

// Ferrari F40 1987

// Body including all rigidly attached parts (wings, barge boards, etc.)
name=body mass=(1190) inertia=(1039.16,1460.88,421.79)
pos=(0.0,0.0,0.0) ori=(0.0,0.0,0.0)

// Front spindles
name=fl_spindle mass=(15.5) inertia=(0.0275,0.0260,0.0245)
pos=(0.792,0.0,-1.05) ori=(0.0,0.0,0.0)

name=fr_spindle mass=(15.5) inertia=(0.0275,0.0260,0.0245)
pos=(-0.792,0.0,-1.05) ori=(0.0,0.0,0.0)

// Front wheels
name=fl_wheel mass=(28.98) inertia=(1.259,0.812,0.812)
pos=(0.797,0.0,-1.05) ori=(0.0,0.0,0.0)
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@Dethrone1427 Not there :O_o:

I've done a ".pm" search on the vehicles folder and none of the default ones have ".pm" files.

Yeah it's a riot!

I think something got lost in translation here as I was only saying to use another. pm file to experiment, if she didn't like it then revert back to the original. I literally do not understand the response I got, which was totally irrational. I'm guessing Amanda doesn't know the game in depth yet and how you can go back and forth and experiment. But after this I will be leaving her well alone... There are normal understandable responses and then there is the way she responded which is errrr, strange. Very strange.

I don't see how I wrecked anything, hence she must not know enough about the game yet (having been a recent buyer I believe). But anyways, have a great day everyone! Onwards and upwards.
OK, so you intentionally "help" me screw my cars, say nothing about it and was actually hoping for a bad outcome ("party pooper", meaning you actually expected a laugh out of this), and when I caught you red handed you expected me to what, serve you tea or something?

[mod edit: abuse removed]
I'm ready to accept that you believed you had been deceived (though I think you were wrong to believe that and perhaps you now think the same).
However, the abuse you directed at another user is unacceptable. Please don't do it again.
I think something got lost in translation here as I was only saying to use another. pm file to experiment
No, you said that it should give the same FFB from the car I copied the file, which you knew wasn't true. And now you're all "Mr. Saint has done no wrong" trying to come out of this as a good guy. Seriously, good job, hats off to you.

I'm glad I actually made backups of the files, something wasn't smelling too well when I opened the files.
I do, however, apologize for the name calling. That wasn't called for.
Still, you should know not to give bad advice to someone who isn't an expert on the game. While that may have been a laugh for you, that certainly wasn't the case for someone who's just a regular user trying to have some fun with the game.
I honestly think you need to re-read the advice. I wasn't having a laugh. When you said you weren't going to try anymore suspension files that was me saying to you, party pooper. Which is to say, why? Why are you giving up? It's fun to experiment, but you completely spun it on its head and assumed I was trying to trick you? Why the hell would I actually waste my time doing that. These forums are for people to learn off each other. That would be utterly pointless directing you in an incorrect manner. And I'm not trying to act angelic. I think something just got lost in translation and you thought I was doing something I absolutely wasn't. But you seem convinced that I was, so that's cool I'm not going to carry on all day trying to convince some avatar on a screen of my intentions. So have a good one :thumbsup: try not to be so paranoid in future, the world isn't out to get you.