couple things for a rally track


hey everyone, i have a question regarding some Xpacks and a certain application that seems to be lost to the wind. im looking for a copy of RBR_Objects_1, 2, 3 and 4. im also looking for the CSV randomiser application that i saw on the BTB improvements page. these 4 Xpacks were previously held on the page that i accessed once or twice but is now defunct.
another question i have is with buildings that i want to drive under i have a problem when i am directly under them where the roof isnt visible but the shadow is.
In the xpacker, under the Materials tab, half-way down, select "Double-sided".
"File", "Zip to BTB".
Close XPacker and copy the zipped xpack from your "XPack" folder and paste into your Project.
I don't know. Have a look at the textures under the relevant material.

Got a bit of a problem

Set the materials to double sided but then i get this