Tracks Created walls to bright and strange reflections

KS-Editor now works for me. Thanks for the help from you. Now i convert bathurst to fbx - load in Autodesk maya and changed some of the walls for new sponsors, etc. - back ingame the walls are very bright and with strange reflections... I copyed the orginal materials and changed only the UV Position and the texture...

Have the UV of the wall to be in UV + 2 like the orginal ? :

Material Phong or Lambert?

Thx for any help....
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KS-Editor now works for me. Thanks for the help from you. Now i convert bathurst to fbx - load in Autodesk maya and changed some of the walls for new sponsors, etc. - back ingame the walls are very bright and with strange reflections... I copyed the orginal materials and changed only the UV Position and the texture...

Have the UV of the wall to be in UV + 2 like the orginal ? :

Material Phong or Lambert?

Thx for any help....
Doesn’t matter the material settings you use in Maya, once exported, you need to re-do it in kseditor. What does the material look like there?
Pic from ks_editor :

(Ingame no more reflection, but the brightness...)

Yeah that’s not the original shader / material. Yours are pretty wild.

If you want no normal map, ksperpixel is fine, but use values like 0.35 for both ambient and diffuse, 0.01 for specular and try 10 for specularXP

Also don’t forget to save persistence so they don’t get lost
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