Creating custom endurance race

Hello all,
I'm wanting to create a 24hr endurance race at Daytona. I'm sure it's possible to do it within game but if someone could point me in the direction of how to, I would appreciate it. Thanks
I understand what he means, Shovas .... a way to gather different cars out of different mods in the same race at the same time and this is not possible with only the GTR2 native tools.

If I'm not wrong .... without changing or adding classes or categories manually in the .car files ... the only way to do what he wishes is use the
GTR2 Championship Manager v1_62 by JJManeschijn v1_62

Even if it is especially done for a championship ... it may also work for one single race.
You may find it here, NoleftTurn ...:

Else, if it's not what he means .... everything is already in game to create a 24 hr race of course. ;)